Beacon ending

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*Beacon Academy

*Ruby POV

After Evan's fleet destroyed the military outpost, my team and team JNPR went back to beacon to report to Professor Ozpin

Nora: I want one of those ships. I want to see those explosions again

Ren: Nora. No. Knowing you, you'll probably go around and spam that attack over and over again

Yes. Nora can't stop talking about that final attack that finished off the outpost. However, my mind was thinking about something else


Evan: if you guys value your life, leave this island quickly

Evan coldly warned us before flying off using his sword

*flashback end

Ruby (thoughts): Just what happened back there Evan?

I was thinking about the possible reasons for Evan's cold behavior when the elevator doors opened, revealing Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch and my Uncle Qrow

Ruby and Yang: Uncle Qrow!

Yang and rushed to hug our Uncle Qrow

Ruby: Did you miss us?

Qrow: Nope

Uncle Qrow smiled at us before we stopped hugging him

Qrow: However. I'm more concerned about what Jimmy and his men did

Weiss: The General?

Qrow: Yep

Ruby: Does it involve Evan?

Qrow: A+ for you Ruby

Ozpin: I'm sure that Evan acted coldly towards you guys once you arrived at the military outpost

All of us nodded our heads

Yang: I'll never forgive him for calling me Wannabe Thunder Tits

Ozpin: Well he and his officers managed to rescue Eleanor. However Eleanor is in a critical state and is now in hospital. There's a chance that she might not make it

Upon hearing this news, all of us, except for Yang and Weiss gasped

Ruby: Eleanor... might not make it?

Pyrrha: Are you saying that Eleanor may die?

Qrow: Yes. I'm sorry kiddos

Glynda: I won't be surprised if Mr Evan declares war on Atlas for this

Ruby (thoughts): So that's what happened

Ozpin: If any of you want to visit him or Eleanor, they're in Vale General Hospital

Professor Ozpin gave us the location of Evan and Eleanor in Vale General Hospital before dismissing us

Ruby: Goodbye Uncle Qrow

Qrow: Goodbye kiddos

My team and Team JNPR entered the elevator and we went down

Weiss: Serves Evan right for defying Atlas

Yang: I agree. He deserves it for calling me Wannabe Thunder Tits

We angrily glared at Weiss and Yang in response

Weiss: What?

Nora: I dare you to say that in front of Evan. See what he does in response

Jaune: You're lucky Admiral Evan isn't here. Otherwise you'll probably get a beating in response

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