Chapter 22

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*Beacon Academy

*Ozpin POV

I watched as ships from Atlas gathered in front of Beacon. James has arrived but unfortunately for him, Evan, Glorious and Thea have left a few hours ago.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." Glynda remarked, criticizing James for bringing his ships into Beacon.

"Running an academy and the military makes him a busy man. but yes these ships are a bit of an eyesore." I said before receiving a notification that someone wants to come in. "Come in." I said to the door and James came into my office.

"Ozpin." James said as he casually strolled into my office.

"Hello General." I replied.

"Please drop the formalities." James said before we shook hands with each other. "And Glynda. It's certainly been too long since we last met." James turned to Glynda. Glynda just rolled her eyes.

"I'll be waiting outside." Glynda said to me before leaving my office.

"She still strongly dislikes me it seems." James said as Glynda left.

"So what brings you all the way here from Atlas?" I asked as I poured some tea for both of us.

"Well I came here to see the commander in charge of those ships on the sea." James replied.

"Sorry to say this but he left a few hours ago." I said.

"That's too bad. I was wondering if they'll serve my army." James said in disappointment.

"You'll meet him one day." I said while trying not to make James more interested in Evan and his group.

"And there's one more thing, there has been an increased amount of Grimm activity in the waters around Vale." James informed me as we sat down to enjoy our tea.

"an increase in grimm activity in the waters around here?" i confirmed.

"Yes. That's why I brought my army here to protect Vale from it." James replied.

*Ruby POV

"Come on Yang." I said as I nudged my sister as she laid on her bed.

"For the last time, I'm not forgiving Evan. ruining my hair is heresy to me." Yang grunted as she turned around to face me.

"Well if you two haven't got in the way of Evan's fleet, your hair probably won't be ruined by him." Weiss said.

"Please." I looked at Yang with my signature puppy dog eyes. Upon seeing them, Yang relented.

"Alright alright. I'll forgive him. Just leave me alone." yang said before turning around to face away from me.

"Yay!" I jumped in joy. Remembering that Evan, Glorious and Thea have a scroll each, I decided to message them to see how they're doing.

"Hello Evan. Are things going okay on your side?" I typed into my scroll before sending itt. A few minutes later, I received a message.

"Things are going okay on my side. How's Yang, is she still angry at me?" Evan asked me.

"I managed to get her to forgive you. Isn't that excellent?" I replied.

"I guess." Evan replied.

"And can you promise me to bring me into the port your ships are in one day? I'm interested in your ships" I asked. There was no reply on my scroll for a few minutes until Evan started typing.

"Please be a yes. Please be a yes." I whispered as I watched Evan type.

"Alright. But please be careful as there are high explosives and a lot of other dangers." Evan replied.

"Yes!" I whispered.

*Ozpin POV

I finished discussing the grimm situation with James and he left.

"Has he left?" Glynda asked behind me as I watched the Atlas ships depart Beacon.

"Yes." I replied before sitting back down at my desk. I decided to look at the mission board and one mission caught my interest.

"Glynda. Get Team RWBY here." I instructed before reaching for my scroll to contact Evan, Glorious and Thea.

*Ruby POV

I just finished messaging Glorious and was about to message Thea when Ms Goodwitch's voice spoke through the intercom.

"Will Team RWBY report to Ozpin's office now." Ms Goodwitch spoke to us through the intercom.

"I didn't do anything I swear.'' Yang got up. Feeling curious, we decided to head to Ozpin's office to see what's going on. Once we left the elevator, we saw Ozpin sitting at his desk with Ms Goodwitch by his side as usual.

"What's going on Professor?" I asked.

"I have a mission for you, Team RWBY." Ozpin replied before showing us an image of a fleet of ships. Those ships look a little like Evan's ships.

"More strange ships have been sighted, this time near Vytal. I've contacted Evan, Glorious and Thea to help out." Ozpin briefed us and as if on cue, the elevator door opened and Evan, Glorious and Thea entered the office.

"You've called for us Ozpin?" Evan asked.

"Glad to see that you three can make it here. Anyways, strange ships have been spotted near Vytal. Do you recognise them Evan?" Ozpin asked and directed Evan to the image.

"Lexington class, Queen Elizabeth Class." I heard Evan mutter before turning to Ozpin. "Yes, I recognise them Ozpin." Evan replied.

"Good. Team RWBY. Board a ship and head to Vytal to investigate. And while you're on the ship, guide Evan's fleet to Vytal so that he can help out." ozpin instructed us and we nodded

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