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with (Rimuru) in space why do i have a ominous feeling like some idiot is chasing me recklessly it's been about 6 month's sense the start of this adventure how much longer until we get here ceil.

about  8 more month's master it's taking longer than my original calculations due to large amount of battles we have fought it is strange that here's so many space faring species attacking us even with me lowering our speed and magic to avoid attention there could be wars going on in some of these universe's need more info i suggest we stop so i can scan this universe.

okay ceil we'll stop for a bit oh look that's a good spot diablo why don't you make some tea and watch that star explode should be decent show while we wait on ceil to scan this universe.

of course milord as he finish's the souls he's been feasting on there's a lot of tasty people out here i should visit here again in a couple years with the younger demon's so they could increase their strength hmm so milord what should do with that so called god of justice that we caught Ive been dragging him around for awhile he's quite pathetic.

did we catch a god i thought he was a angel or something too weak to be a god in my opinion Ultima would be able to crush him how can they be so weak they're supposed to protect  entire civilization's depend on them and look at how many bandits there in this galaxy how could they slack off this much if he's a god i left a dozen of them in my country alone not even counting the true dragons sigh lets watch this star explode then continue our travel's oh diablo just throw that god away he's useless .

of course milord throws him into the exploding star with a smile as he's turned to dust .

off in a different universe a goddess of peace is in chain's in heaven so what are you trying to accomplish by locking me away .

 (Prison guard)
sigh you're quite stupid you failed to start the demon angel war on you're planet it's supposed to happen once every 500 years but you've postponed it twice  so you've been chained up for disregarding order's we are waiting for you're trial.

(Goddess of peace)
trial has begun judge do explain your reasoning for disregarding orders they better be good or you'll go to the pit to be toy till you brake. 

(Goddess of peace)
my reason was that i needed the population to increase so that they'll survive the last war they barely made it last time i know that it was supposed to increase their strength but the war wasn't necessary sense the strongest human in the world's history exists there wasn't a need for a war.

hmm you're reasoning makes sense but there rules we have to obey as lower gods so i judge 300 years of heaven janitor duty for braking the rules only after this sentence is complete will you be allowed to rule a planet begone from my sight before i change my mind .

(Goddess of peace)
what will happen to that planet .

a 10 year war if they survive they'll be allowed back into the our good graces .

down on the planet demon lords castle Demon lord to

the humans have begun conscription i guess war is not far we to tighten our defenses .

[authors note is this chapter easier to read do the random gods need names or just leave them?]

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