legend telling

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coliseum of the gods 

[Rimuru] hey ainz im curious about the world that lasted 10 years against this invasion can you tell me about it if you know .

[Ainz] sure no problem its a legend about a human that become the strongest with no interference from gods demons or humans a man who broke every limit there is his name is lost unfortunately but he was called one punch man or OPM for short his world was the first to be attacked.

The true god sent several gods who are good at changing humans into monsters the world had a small amount of monsters but they wore weak the gods started to boost their strength a little bit at a time to weaken the planet but it didn't work the humans started to get stronger with them the first 3 years was a complete failure for that.

the gods got pissed off at them they began to let space raiders into the world and to give the humans crazy ideas such as monster creation the raiders got killed off by OPM but they destroyed a city in the progress a lot of humans died one could say that was the beginning of the end .

the humans didn't know they wore at war they couldn't see many theories thought the earth was trying to kill them off the man maid monsters began their attack next they attacked a bunch of city's at once targeting the hero's to weaken them but in doing so they revealed their hideout they gathered their forces to attack it but corruption in their ranks weaken them they ignored OPM sense his power couldn't be understood by them.

they suffered heavy casualties in the progress OPM appeared close to the end to finish the battle but a piece of the world was wiped out 4 cities got destroyed

the next thing to happen was the gods started to speed up the corruption to divide the hero's causing a hero war large amount of wounded the monsters picked them off in the hospital .

5 years into the war one of the gods was tired of wasting power so he went  to the new hero's headquarters to attack it only 2 of the executives of the new hero's survived Blue and child emperor they got saved by the number 1 hero Blast but he suffered heavy wound's and went into coma never to wake again.

year 6 began with a bang 1 of the 4 remaining low gods cast a major spell on a human city that made them undead three high rank hero's died.

to save the city puri-puri prisoner, pig god, tank top master, only one good thing came from that battle is that OPM found that god on a shopping trip the god tried to attack him but died in one punch the 3 gods saw it happen they feared that human they couldn't see into his mind so they thought up a plan realizing this world had 1 true monster capable of killing them .

the new plan was a virus that has a high death count to increase the amount of depression in the humans to turn them into monsters faster by year 7.

many hero's had fallen from either monsters or decease only 6 S-class hero's remained OPM has joined them but the gods had a idea to lower their numbers 3 of the hero's used are energy based .

the gods then decided to launch several massive emp burst to mess with them then launch a massive monster attacks from 3 sides to divide the remaining hero's then 1 god attacked the 3 weakened hero's killing them OPM saw what was happening and rushed to deal the god smashing him to pieces.

only 3 remained the humans have lost 23 cities over 7 years the 8 has begun the gods decided to mess with the weather making the planet hot and cold every other month to starve them out tornado if terror was using her powers to search for the monster that was causing the weather changes child emperor was trying to make a building that could sustain the remains of humanity only 1 city remained.

year 9 began with good news tornado of terror has found the gods she OPM and child emperor would go fight them to end the war little did they know that the only reason she found them was that the low gods had a visitor a true god.

when they arrived everything went downhill the true god killed child emperor and tornado of terror with a powerful mind attack OPM tanked it then OPM attacked the 2 low gods wiping them out he then faced the true god in single combat they clashed for month's.

OPM had grown in the fight to surpass the true god but the true god had been using a time spell on him to end his life as OPM got stronger his life force was fading away the true god had not weakened OPM used his most powerful punch it blew the true gods arm off but the true god landed a time spell directly onto OPM heart making it collapse ending the fight on new years day making it the 10 year war .

 [ainz] thats the end of the legend of OPM.

[Rimuru] I would've liked to have met him and ainz i would like to enter the alliance with you.

[Ainz] excellent I shall leave to inform my army that we have a alliance with your world .

[authors note ] this wasn't really planed but I kinda like it .

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