Over the moon

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in the world of moon led journey

[Makoto] that was a fun vacation I don't to go back to deal with all those meeting. but i have to Mio would hunt me down If I was late unfortunately Tomoe informed me that Root wanted to have a meeting with me as soon as I get back.

[Tomoe]  are you ready to back yet i don't want to be late for that meeting Root sounded scared him sounding that way makes me fascinated in what it could be about maybe a new god wants to invade.

[Makoto] it seems like a waste to throw away a dimension I made for a month and i have to make another one with Mio so she doesn't get angry with me.  

[Makoto] who could scare Root it is one of the strongest on our world only i surpass him in terms of power if It didn't waste its time on making up attacks the otherworlder's taught him could be stronger. 

[Makoto] well Mio and Tomoe might surpass him given some time we should go to my dimension first Tomoe to Asora first to drop off our stuff then to Tsige to meet with Root opens a portal to Asora home sweet home .

[Makoto ] anything to report Ema 

[Ema] yes there was large source of magic about a week ago by the time Shiki got there he couldn't find anything but the magic traces of some sort of dragon we don't know where it went but it hasn't caused any damage so we assume it left our solar system or it's good at hiding.

[Makoto] hmm that might have something to do with Root wanting a meeting as soon as posable I hope he has more info I shall get going Ema see you later are you coming Tomoe hmm where did she go sigh she left me behind opens portal to Tsige I better go to my office to wait for Root.

[Makoto] I see you girls have beaten me here it's been awhile Mio and Tomoe your getting too excited for a meeting hmm it seems he's here. hello Root I hope this is important I'm busy creating a new dimension for Mio so get the point .

[Root] ah yes it's very important we have a visitor from a different whos is very strong his magic surpassed my own maybe even in my peak but now I wouldn't stand a chance he ask me to set up a meeting with a god I told him this place is godless after you defeated her then he asked for a meeting with you so could have a meeting with him.

[Makoto] hmm sure I'll meet with him I only hope he doesn't want to fight I'm tired of unreasonable people when do you want to have the meeting .

[Root] how about today he's in the lobby waiting I shall go get him before you start overthinking things.

[Veldora] hmm this is a interesting store sorta like tempest but not a lot of new things I should get some of them to show to Ramiris I'm sure Rimuru has seen this stuff before oh here comes Root he look's relieved I guess he got the meeting set up .

[Root] I'm glad he agreed quickly I don't want to test this guy's patience hey Veldora follow me before he changes his mind .

[Makoto] this is a bit stressful hmm is that his magic i sense some sort of dragon i think he does a good job hiding it  here he comes.

[Veldora] hey guy's how's it going oh I'm Veldora Tempest you must be the god crusher root has told me about.

{Makoto] good and suppose so  I did defeat a god but I'm sure she was a weak one compared to some of them so what brings you to this world not small talk I assume .

[Veldora] of course not I sorta got lost while looking for a planet that has humanoid slimes i was hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction .

[Makoto] a bit strange a dragon looking for humanoid slimes he has some weird taste I feel sorry for the slimes but I could try to see if I could find any.

[Veldora] ah he's looking at me like I'm a freak what did I say something wrong hmm oh he think's that the slimes are for me hold it there I'm not looking for slimes for me but for my sworn brother who happens to be a demon slime so don't get wrong idea .

[Makoto] oh thank goodness i was a bit worried lets go take a look opens portal to the moon follow me.

[Veldora] I wonder how he will do it oh he's focusing his magic around his to a extreme degree I don't think I could do that wait he's still going how is this posable that amount of magic onto to the eyes would melt them but he show's no sign of damage .

[Makoto] I found the world it took awhile before I release my magic let's look around a bit wait what is that is that a army of angels they look like they're heading our way hey Veldora i have found the place you seek but I'm gonna need you're help with wiping out some angels how bout it

[Veldora] ok sure lets wipe them out.

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