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With Ainz ooal gown

[Ainz] (things are too quiet no attacks in weeks how long is that war counsel going to last they are wasting my time i just want to get this war over with i hope that Rimuru suceeds in his attempt to ally with Makoto i would like it if the gods divide their forces to give us a chance)
Albedo have the defenses been repaired yet.

[Albedo] of course milord we have gathered the useful corpses to be used as soldiers as soon as you give the orders.

[Ainz] proceed i have a feeling that they will come soon using all of their might our chances of complete victory are low but we shall see if they divide it increases.

[Albedo] our victory is assured nazarick does not lose wars .

[Ainz] (I wish I could have some of her confidence she still thinks we're the strongest i'm afraid that we aren't anymore we must be carful who knows how many other unknown gods that have been hiding like Rimuru I can't take chances with their lifes revival is only possibly if we get the body back)
Don't get arrogant Albedo they haven't shown us their aces yet.

[Albedo] of course master(master looks worried I'll crush these gods into the dirt then try to seduce him)

[Ainz] (she has that weird look again better run away before she losses it again)
I better go look at these troops i need to revive.

[Demiurge] (everything is going to plan a three way alliance will be very bad for the gods lord ainz has thought ahead again) mare aura what news on the human nations

[Aura] the empire was completely crushed the slane theocracy suffered massive damage but still stands but their religion is in shambles being killed by the ones they worship is kinda funny the dragon kingdom still stands the elven territory is in flames pretty easy to destroy to be honest.

[Demiurge] well thats to be expected they're weak i want to completely brake them but it will have to wait .
Mare have you detected anything in space .

[Mare] there was a small portal for about ten minutes but it closed i can only assume they are testing our reaction time .

[Demiurge] I see did you respond to it
[Mare] no I sent one of weak flying demons to inspect it disappeared before it got there .

[Demiurge] they will attack later today have the troops ready but don't get close to the portal we want to lure them out a bit lord ainz says there will be gods this time and to not risk important assets .

[Mare] I need to getting going to reinforce the defenses one last time I'll tell aura to prepare his pets for battle.

[Demiurge] yes I'll need to inform master too
(To the throne room)
[Demiurge] lord ainz it seems like they're preparing to attack we have seen some of their scouts rather close to our space.

[Ainz] I see perhaps we should make use of the alliance we have formed as a precaution you are the head strategist do you agree or should we hold off .

[Demiurge] I believe if we do it we should do it now they are very far away it'll take time to get their troops ready but we shouldn't expect them to arrive.

[Ainz] I agree go ahead and send someone have you informed the others yet .

[urgent message from aureole omega a massive portal has opened above the planet prepare to defend]

[Ainz] so its begun lets go see their forces before they attack
Seven gods with three million angels
(Holy shit thats more three times the previous attacks forget defending the rest of the world we could probably barely defend nazarick seven gods is a bit much none of them look like lower gods either) Demiurge are your plans ready?

[Demiurge] of course we shall return all important troops to nazarick then proceed with the plan as we did when we won against all the guilds.

[Ainz] proceed (how did they divide they're army six legions each led by a god whos the last one leading an strategist or the leader )
They are separating into five army's
So two of their legions and three gods are coming here the rest have spred out to eliminate the rest of the world
I better get back to the throne room sense we're using this plan.

[Attention solders of nazarick show them no mercy slaughter them all]

<The attack has begun >

[Angel vanguard] this is nothing but a fancy tomb forward (says as he falls into a pitfall)

[War god Titus] these idiots keep setting off traps i need to stay close to rear of the formation to avoid being badly flanked.

[War god Atilla] what are you doing back there get your ass to the front.

[War God Titus] that's against
chief war god Isaac orders i'm not about to get punished for disobedience that man messes with brains too much .

[War god Atilla] you make a good point why do all of these undead have magic weapons they're ripping apart the weak angels that haven't been caught in traps.

[War god Titus] you fool its a tomb of a supreme lich of course there are undead i'm more worried about the increasing amount of vampire's they don't usually work with lichs .

[War god Atilla] good point I'm gonna go up ahead to investigate keep on putting pressure on them .

[War god Titus] sure go on (you can't fix stupid he's gonna die painfully why must I be the one who explores this tomb the others volunteered but got denied CWG Isaac must hate me)
Arch angels reinforce the flanks
(This place is a maze it goes from open areas to twisting hallways my troops are getting separated these forces aren't good down here huh whats that?

<a teleporting spell forms underneath him teleports him to the coliseum>

[War god Titus] (where am I whos that a black knight)
Who the you where am I ?

[Albedo] oh this place is where you die of course who am I just your executioner.

[[Authors note these next couple chapters are hard to write]]

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