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Authors note this is another mediocre chapter and it's very hot outside end of message

Well this is unfortunate I didn't think they'd form a alliance to defeat my puppet gods .

Either way two of our allies died already letting Milim fight was totally cheating on your part Shion and Hakurou wouldn't have been able to handle Makoto then he would've been able to aid ainz .

No we weakened tempest remember the black legion are in the demon world allowing milim to fight was making the fight equal .

This is getting out of hand the army of gods are rallying their forces while we are playing mock war the correct choice was to send those gods back to their base let them cause havoc while we attack them not like husband is listening i suppose that is a husband thing to do .

he's listening I hope he's making a reasonable plan to win back some of the trust we've lost if Rimuru was concerned about their power we should've used them as reinforcements .

Well this might work out for the best ciel please track our visitor that's running away .

Anyway don't worry all of the spys have left now we wait for Shion and Milim to finish this up .

Meanwhile Souei and Gabta are running away from a mad god Souei tactics wouldn't work against a god that has been modified and has eaten the awakened demon lord Azusa Gabta is rather weak the god left him alone he disappears with ranga the god only then recognizes that he has lost a snack and gets angry strikes down several buildings before refocusing on Souei chasing him down unfortunately for him Souei has led him into the direct path of a unsatisfied Milim and a bored Shion very few could survive such a fate
With Ainz and Benimaru

So Benimaru the battle seems to be settling down only one left and he's coming back so we should have a peaceful talk until he stops purposely dragging out time .

I would like to go gather the remains of my allies .

Cause any trouble and I'll burn you to ash .

Sigh he's gone I'm glad things worked out time to find Makoto .

Oh that's one deep hole he must've pissed his opponent off .

Damn it how deep is this thing I've gone down well over a mile with no end in sight.

Finally at the bottom it is insane to be able to make such a destructive attack.

Did his body survive I'm not seeing anything there's a body imprint on the wall but he's not there could he have escaped into his dimension .

Ha well done escaping Rimurus city's barrier make sure to pick me up .

Ainz struck the wall removing the body imprint and making the damage look similar to milims attack hoping they wouldn't realize that Makoto had survived he started to head back up
Hoping Rimuru will have ended this war
Yes another one time to fight.

Hold it you got the last one this one is mine .

Rock paper sizzers again ?

Sigh just go both of you just finish this before Benimaru arrives he's done on his end .

The girls looked at each other and said fine

Don't slow me down shion

As if

they rushed towards the god

the god seemed confused about why would these pest rush towards their death no matter easy meals he thought

little did he know that would be his last thought Shion and Milim cut him apart like paper

Well done tempest has claimed victory against the gods and the alliance
Ciel gather the souls before they're lost

Azusa soul and the gods are already gathered however Makoto soul I'm unable to find it there's a good possibility it was destroyed by Milim we would need to further investigate.

Hmm Diablo investigate don't waste too much time odds are he was turned to ash
However a missing soul he traveled to different dimensions could he have used it to power his dimensions Diablo ignore that order
And Souei what's Ainzs condition .

He seems to be in deep thought hasn't taken any action however he doesn't seem to want anything to do with us.

Well someone has lost trust in you Rimuru that something new to you.

Enough Veldora you've been nagging me a lot recently .

Yep I was hoping nagging would wake you up sense you've been quite cruel to people who haven't attacked you or  your subordinates until you forced them too.

It was so unlike you one perished and another was eaten alive for someone who spared everyone who surrendered just a hundred years ago.

I'm debating if you're a alter ego of the Rimuru I know knowing him it isn't impossible there could be hundreds of him ?

Hold it right there I don't make clones of myself that have that kind of intelligence ok that's the rule l.

Well if they evolved they could gain intelligence afterall you didn't tell me to remove their ability to evolve.

Don't tell them that besides most of them got destroyed in this war .


Rimuru-sama your back

Best buddy

They rushed towards Rimuru smashing him in-between them

Don't go having all the fun I'm going next time .

Oh no no room left for me I suppose?

Ainz internal
I still fill a slight connection to nazarick i hope I can go back soon.

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