Return of the Demon

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[Ultima] it's so nice that Diablo isn't here all we have to do is our job nothing extra all of Rimuru's subordinates are workaholics they need to relax.

[Carrera] you got that right  i think that orc Geld works like 18 hours a day nothing good will come of that working yourself to death. 

[Testarossa] you girls are too relaxed if Diablo sees you like this you'll have to go through training again.

[Carrera] oh how I enjoy his training sessions so violent so sexy .

[Ultima] yes yes we know how much you enjoy it keep that junk in your head I don't need it in my head maybe I should tell Gobta so he'll pester you about it. that goblin never forgets about anything doesn't have a filter either I still don't know how he's alive i think every women has punched him by this point .

[Carrera] yea he pretty durable maybe you should invite him to your room to see how durable he truly is .

[Ultima] hmm could be interesting to see how strong is the strongest goblin in bed.

[Treyni] I wouldn't recommend that.

[Carrera] why's that does he already have someone.

[Treyni] sort of the other day he was being trained by Milim after it ended he was tired Abis had set a trap for him Gobta got caught in the trap Abis tied him up he wasn't seen for 3 days he came back yesterday looking half dead I'm assuming she claimed him as hers so that's why it isn't a good idea.

[Ultima] yea good idea never would have thought he'd have  a thing for snake's  through.

[Treyni] oh i heard she evolved recently oh she's able to have a complete humanoid form .

[Testarossa] good for her i guess she was waiting for that to go after him so Treyni have you found a partner yet ?

[Treyni] hmm I gotta get back to work talk to you some other time.

[Carrera] avoided the question again so heard a rumor that Kurobe was looking at rings the other day perhaps he's thinking of making one for a certain someone .

[Testarossa] keep your nose out of his business i want to be surprised if he does something perhaps you should focus more on trying to get the demon your after .

[Carrera] it's a little hard to get a man when he's not even on this world.

[Ultima] have you even prepared yourself that demon not known for being gentle I've heard he ripped some girl up she couldn't walk for weeks so have some potions nearby for your sake .

[Carrera] okay I will best be prepared

off in the capital building of tempest 

[Benimaru] why is there so much work to do it's almost midnight and there's still a pile of paperwork 

[Shuna] I would prefer if you could hurry up I want to go to sleep before morning .

[Benimaru] I would to you know where's master it's been so long I'm a general not a politician shouldn't you be doing this your much better than me at this.

[Shuna] true but master said to have Benimaru do this for practice who knows how long master will rule tempest he's getting bored of it nothing challenges him anymore that was the reason for this trip he is bored here perhaps he's seeking a challenge.

[Benimaru] no I don't think so he properly wanted a break even now he never wanted to fight but on the other hand he always finds trouble if he meets others like him he will be tricked into something troublesome. hey shuna did you feel that .

[Shuna] yes I did someone has teleported into masters house 

[Benimaru] i don't want to know how you know someone's in masters house 

[Shuna] silly brother i always have  some magic cast on his home to make sure Shion isn't sleeping in masters bed again lets go see who it is 

[Benimaru] we arrived at masters place show your self or i wont have mercy.

[Diablo] I'm disappointed only the 3 people reacted and none wore demons oh they are in for hell when i have time to deal with them so i came back to deliver a message from master.

[Benimaru] those poor souls well not one of them she enjoys it so what's the message it must be important.

[Diablo] yes it is we will have a great war coming to our world soon so we need to begin preparing for it while master gets a few more worlds to join to help sense it's a war of gods after all .

[Benimaru] i shall began as soon as i can .

[Diablo] i must go train Ultima, Testarossa, and Carrera they have gotten weak teleports to the bar where they are at hello ladies are ya ready for hell .

[Ultima] try's to run it fails.

[Testarossa] drains the remains of her drink asks for another no drink comes .

[Carrera] shivers happily longing for the pain.

[Treyni] try to have fun in hell goodbye.

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