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killed slimes for three hundred years

Authors note i tried something a bit different in these fight scenes i know they aren't very good and thank you for 16k reads it does make me feel better
With Azusa and the Seraphim

[Azusa] begone angel i haven't the time to deal with you.

[Seraphim Wendy] you're thinking too highly of yourself just cause you can defeat a bunch of half baked heros doesn't mean you can defeat the highest ranked angel fall witch .

(((Wendy cast
(Divine destruction )
Throwing Azusa against the Dwarven mountains burying her in the side of it while setting the fields on fire)))

[Wendy] hmm that was a little too easy I should hit her a another just in case she survived

(((Wendy cast
It smashes into the Mountain causing massive collapses in the Dwarven city only those at the entrance survived the king was there looking at the damage from the heros witnessed the death of his kingdom )))

[Azusa] ugh that hurts she kicking my ass where am I can't see it's completely dark let there be ((light)) is this the Dwarven city or was the city they're all dead damn I need to get back up there

I guess her arrogance wasn't for show so Seraphim are stronger than Beezebub and Provat if there are more Seraphim in this war we will have massive casualties beyond what I had thought but how to defeat her I'm not good at this I'm just gonna throw as many spells as I can at her spray and pray that works most of the time .

[Azusa ] cast
((Earth mover ))
This is a tad bit difficult digging out of here

[Seraphim Wendy] huh she's still alive i can sense her magic what is she planning hmm she must digging her way out perhaps earthquake will bury her for good.


[[Suddenly the Dwarf survivors including the dwarf king charge at the Seraphim vengeance in their eyes]]

[Seraphim Wendy] really is this how you wish to die dwarfs then so be it burn alive
[[Wendy cast]]
[[Flame strike]]

(((All of the dwarfs were burning away the only thing that remained was the staff that the dwarf king had tried to give Azusa )))

[Seraphim Wendy] now back to the witch oh took your time climbing out witch time for round 2 .

[Azusa] the dwarfs are all dead

[Wendy] yea so thats the point of war idiot eliminate the undesirables no point in talking go to hell.

[[Wendy cast pyro shower ]]]

[Azusa] not again
[Azusa cast [frost ray]

[Wendy] ugh not bad but not good enough lets dance (draws sword

[Azusa] sure sorry Dwarf king I'm gonna borrow your staff or is it a mace lets begin.

The battle between witch and Seraphim echoed for miles each clashed with extreme magics that changed the landscape to match the depictions of hell the Seraphim surpassed the witch in close quarters combat and had more high ranked magic but the witch had more magic and higher resistance neither could get the upper hand until the Seraphim knocked off the witches hat


[Azusa] ((huh my hat I feel better and she seems to be slower)) hey Seraphim you look winded want to take a permanent nap .

[Wendy] [how's she getting faster and better at fighting could it be that the longer we fight the more experienced she gets ]
No matter the sooner you're dead the sooner I get a nap .

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