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In the world of killed slimes for 300 years
[[Authors note sorry for the delay haven't had any decent ideas to use]

[Witch of the highlands Azusa]
So the heros have regrouped faster than I would've thought .

[Beelzebub] yea every hero we kill they replace them so all the hero's you wiped out have been replaced already it's driving me crazy like do we need to kill all of humanity to stop them from spawning .

[Azusa] luckily they're are weaker than dragons with a few exceptions .

I should probably tell you why they keep multiplying

[Demon lord Provat] wait you know from your tone it sounds like you have known for a while.

[Azusa] I have known for a little bit when the goddess was imprisoned she gave me control over the barrier that covers our world.

Angels have been unable to pass through it so they have been sending their blessings to the humans to make them heros in order to find and kill me to break the barrier.

[Beelzebub] so as long as you are alive we are somewhat safe from being overwhelmed .

[Azusa] yes and no it's only a matter of time before the gods show up the barrier will not be able to handle a sustained barrage of top tier magic .

The barrier has gotten a bit stronger for some reason I don't know why through but thanks to that we have a bit more time .

[Provat] so what should we do a all out attack against them?

[Beelzebub] perhaps if what Azusa says is true we don't have much time we might should consider hiding a lot of the civilians deep underground in case we are defeated i doubt we could fight against gods Azusa is powerful but not on par with a god .

[Azusa] she is right to face a god would mean certain death I do not know if any of my skills could damage one

[Provat] thats no good I shall give the order to hide as many as possible obviously some would never allow themselves to hide from a fight so we should have a decent size army .

[Beelzebub] Provat I believe you should hide with the civilians they will need a leader.

[Provat] no way to let myself hide while my brave soldiers died fighting I would never forgive myself for acting so cowardly.

[Azusa] Beelzebub is right you are a young demon lord you have a long live ahead you and my daughters will need someone to look after them .

[Provat] wouldn't Halkara be enough to take care of them .

[Beelzebub] umm don't you mean they taking care of her she's nearly gotten herself killed more times than most soldiers on the Frontline .

[Provat] yea I forgot about her being that way I guess I'll stay behind reluctantly .

[Azusa] good by the way how is Laika and Flatorte doing haven't seen them in a while?

[Beelzebub] they are handling the front while I am here when I return they will be sent here to defend the city of course I'll need you to come with me .

[Azusa] I see yea they might need some light duty and sure the sooner we start getting serious the better.

I'll head back to the highlands to hide that cult .

[Provat] Allright come back soon .

[Beelzebub] be back in three days thats when I head out .

[Azusa] ok will do.

[Azusa opens a portal to the highlands fort]

[Azusa] everyone can I have your attention .

[Cid] milady what do you need.

[Azusa] I need everyone and everything out of the basement I need to start making a deep bunker underneath the fort for the coming battles .

[Cid] a deep bunker i don't understand .

[Azusa] strong enemy's will be coming from the sky there's a good chance I'll die so I need to make a underground city to protect my cult ok do you understand .

[Cid] yes ma'am we'll do everything we can to help .

[Azusa] ok lets get started .

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