Crimson demon

600 19 3

killed slimes for three hundred years

Authors note tried something new again

[Witch of the highlands Azusa]
Ugh why did I fall asleep i need to rescue my friends from the angels something wrong
(Cast magic search )
Oh no the cult my house the highlands it's all gone I wasn't asleep for very long damn have to hurry Beezebub and Laika are close need to go as fast as possible
Azusa runs as fast as possible she was unaware of the changes that becoming a demon lord had on her body her hair had turned white her skin had turned grey  her eyes turned black a fitting appearance for a failed demon lord

Nothing works on this so called Goddess I've tried all of my spells

[Goddess Jun]
Are you done yet try harder the longer you wait the more casualties you'll suffer only one dragon when your entire army has fallen is when ill kill you ah only the dragon remains

So many angels my wings have been ripped to shreds I can no longer breath fire there is only one hope master please hurry

[God Alex]
Wow I assumed it'd be over by the time I got here ah I see she's playing around I'll show some mercy pitiful dragon farewell red dragon

Huh everything is going dark i can't feel any pain what did you do to me

[God Alex]
poor dragon your body hasn't registered that your heart is destroyed

You've killed Laika when Azusa sees this she won't be able to hold back anything

[Goddess Jun]
The witch is dead demon

[God Alex]
I doubt that I've lost contact with Seraphim Wendy a little while ago if the witch is in fighting shape she will either come here or to the demon kingdom and enough playing kill that demon

[Goddess Jun]
Ok fine I hope the witch lives up to her reputation


Back to the daughter's of Azusa demon kingdom

Sister making the demons gate open is making me feel strange

remember souls and personal sacrifice is required to open them

I guess it will take our intelligence away making us normal slimes again

Probably sis it's the only thing we have to sacrifice

Look sis the gates are opening

The gates to hell opened revealing a man with bright red hair and two women with green and blue hair

[Goddess Yun]
Is that all you have some skill in swordplay I expected more magic i should've let the Seraphim handle you

[Demon king Provat]
[damn my swords are always braking i must by them some time]
I wonder if I had a better sword would it make you bleed

[Goddess Yun]
Perhaps but you'd need to train many centuries to overcome the difference in race but thats enough wasting time I hope whatever you sent those two to do will be worth me wasting time here chatting farewell

The goddess said as she beheads Provat the demon king


To the world of tempest to be specific the ice continent of Guy Crimson the red primordial demon

[Guy Crimson red primordial]
Nothing interesting has happened in quite a while I miss my game with Rudra so Misery and Rain find me something fun to do

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