Witch's War

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the highlands 

[Azusa] I see that they have chosen to mobilize most of the hero's with only 10k in regular troops  not a bad choice considering that I'm their target anything less would be a waste of time. but I would have tried to assassinate me first through i guess the cult was preventing them from doing that maybe.

looks like everyone will be evacuated in time the cult moves pretty fast i hope the fort will out against anybody who gets past me I'll have to get serious but they should be fine i did give them those potions to boost their strength .                                                                                                                                                                                                        the next day

[Azusa] Cid why are you still here you need to be at the fort you are the general you need to be there to maintain morale .

[Cid] but milady how could i leave you to face such a large force alone .

[Azusa] foolish man your willing to throw away your family to guard the strongest witch you will only be in the way i can't go all out if you are here go that's an order. this battle will be my first battle against a army.    some of those hero's can somewhat dodge my magic at least on a small scale .

I should go all out hmm they are about to be in range i don't like killing I guess there's no choice but to defend my home I should start with several tornados that should scare the normal solders away well if they still have brains .

why these solders are zombie like they are getting ripped apart but still marching the hero's dodged but no matter i got them worried wind and fire go well together go my firestorms burn them to ash .

well there goes half of the solders i have divided the hero's lets wipe some of them are they faster than lighting I wonder apparently no they can't isn't this a little too easy .

[the hero's ] before the battle    [hero1] this should be easy just a bunch of cultist and a single witch compared to the demon army  it should be a simple surround and crush them.                         [hero2] I'm not sure this witch blew away a true hero putting him into coma that alone should worry you

[hero3] don't be a coward we have brought 100 hero's to deal with her 10k to deal with the cultist .

[hero4] that's enough of your yapping we are close to the highlands i see a village I'm gonna use my skill farsight to what awaits us hmm there are no villagers nobody's there it's a ghost town wait i think i see someone on the hill wearing a big hat .

[hero1] don't tell me she plans to fight us alone how stupid can someone be she should use the cultist as a shield to cast her magic.

[hero2] perhaps she plans to surrender to us if we leave the villagers alone.                                             [hero3] that would be foolish we always take the women and some of the men as pets surely she has heard of this by now .

[hero1] i hope she does surrender i want a pet witch hmm that's a large amount of magic gathering is that her plan to scare us off .

[hero4] guys watch out she's casting something wait is a tornado from that range shit it's hit the troops.    [hero3] what the fuck is that magic killing so many that fast oh no here comes another one firestorm half of our force is gone she is a monster we should retreat hero1 call signal the retreat flare all i saw was a flash then nothing .

[hero2] what's going on we're being picked off the solders are being burned alive while she launches lighting bolts at us hero's we couldn't even get close to her no wonder there are no villagers they would get in the way retreat everyone retreat .

[Azusa] sorry i can't allow that to happen no retreats today no survivor's either I can't risk you coming back here I want to relax if you had left me alone this wouldn't have happened .

 [only one requirement remains ]

[Azusa] hmm what was that i wonder a strange voice i should go check on the cultist 

[Cid] I couldn't believe my eyes I knew she was the strongest but to wipe out ten thousand solders and a hundred hero's in less than a hour is the witch a goddess or something not a single solder made it here ah here she comes welcome back goddess Azusa we chant she gives us a strange look .

[Azusa] why are they calling me a goddess i just killed a massive amount of humans is that what gods do alright you lot now that the army has been destroyed I'm gonna need to have a meeting with the demon lord don't do anything stupid while gone i teleport to the demon lord .

[authors note writing fight scenes is a pain I'm sorry if it was bad

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