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world of the witch      with cultist

[captain of cultist Cid] so tell me so called king what is your purpose here I kill you if it's to bring us into the war . we will only join if the witch asks us too .

[king] i just need to meet with her to ask for help .

[Cid] we will never allow you to meet her you will just try to mind control her like you've with the rest of your kingdom .

[king] the royal family didn't have anything to do with that the so called hero's did it .

[Cid] do you really think we would believe that you allowed them into your kingdom hailed them as hero's without proof other than some weird voice that came out of thin air . there are many ways someone can perform that kind of stunt .

[king] but at the time they had the strength of a hero along with the church backing them i didn't have a choice but accept them .

[Cid] really you didn't question them when they said their goal was to destroy all demihumans and demons to make a pure human world .

[king] I tried to but they had already started to control the counsel i was outnumbered .

[Cid] you are a weak king you have failed the goddess of peace only rule of no wars.  many humans have died for you almost all of the demihumans have been killed off only the demons stand their ground against the hero's . give me reason not to kill you before the head cultist Natalie gets here .

[king] please let me speak to the witch I just to ask her to destroy the hero's.

[Cid] i was hoping you would at least try to come up with something I might pass on your message to her rest in peace weak king of humans.

[Natalie] enough Cid you are not allowed to kill him yet the witch has asked for us finish him later just in case the witch knows he's here.

[Cid] a meeting that's strange she has never called for one before .

[Natalie] i know but she walked into the guild earlier to tell me to gather the top brass of the cult the meeting will be held in her house.

[Cid] we better hurry then it must be important to call us she has never acknowledged us before.

[Natalie the other two have been informed already I guess she has decided to make her move. 

with the witch 

[Halkara] I can't believe it took four months to make four potions  even with 2 of us Azusa you still haven't told me the purpose of them yet some of those ingredients are strange the blood and flesh of a witch why would a potion need those .

[Azusa] this world will fall if i don't take some risk those potions are meant for the four leaders of the cult .

[Halkara] huh why give it to them what does it do .

[Azusa] you shall see this shall give them a fighting chance to defend that hidden fort of theirs .

they have arrived it seems come in you four I have something for you. okay leaders of the cult i have a potion for you to take .

[Cid] what does it do no offence but it looks vile .

]Azusa] that is true well this potion is not something a normal person should take it will give my blessing protection of the highlands as long as dwell in the highlands your strength and magic will triple but if you betray the highlands you will suffer a very painful death .

[Natalie] if that's all i will take it .

[2 cultist leaders] so will we we owe the witch our lives .

[Cid] I will take it but I have a question why now the demons have the humans in a stall mate and have shown no interest in the highlands .

[Azusa] no that's where you are wrong we have been watched sense the beginning waiting for a weakness to show but now the humans have failed to push they are looking at us past the highlands leads to another entrance to the demons .

they will come within a month so the potions will help you defend the fortress against the hero's that slip around me .

[Cid] you don't plan to stay here and let them attack you .

[Azusa] that is the plan they need me dead I'm the last piece of the goddess of peace if I fall you guys will lose your mind protection that gave you . but if i go with you i can't run away I would have to stay still and take a beaten . don't worry my daughters and Halkara I'm gonna move them to the demon lords castle . 

and Cid send me that person you have locked in your basement i know he has important info .

[Cid] yes milady Cid hurries to the prison [Cid] looks like its your lucky day king she has granted your wish she will meet with you get up we have to hurry .

[king] I'm dragged up a hill that has a house on the top that must be the witch's house .

[Azusa] come in former king so tell me why have you come here .

[king] I have a request I wish you would destroy the hero's and the people if that doesn't free them of the mind control .

[Azusa] you are stupid to think that would fix the problem the problem is much greater than that.   the gods are the problem they have sent a large amount of angels to our world.

but as long as I'm here they can't get passed the barrier that the goddess created she gave me control over it .   the angels will realize it soon then they will throw everything they have at me 

so your wish will come true regardless .

[King] oh thank goodness witch can i ask one thing .

[Azusa] go ahead 

[king] can you put me out of my misery i have failed as a king and a servant to the goddess of peace i deserve no mercy .

[Azusa] you do know that the fact you haven't fallen in to the mind control means you haven't betrayed the goddess .

[king] yes that 's what makes it worse me watching my daughters and wife become pets to the hero's while i did nothing makes me wish for death will you grant me that .

[Azusa] sigh i will here go outside and drink this poison it will be a painless death .

[king] thank you so much .                                                                                                                                                               just then Cid rushes in milady human army has started marching

[Azusa] so it has begun start the evacuation Cid .

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