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Author's note it took months to want to write again, I hope y'all enjoy a another bland chapter and have a nice day or night.

With rimuru
Ciel to Rimuru
Our clone that I sent to follow their spy that was watching the mock war has found their location and is remaining on standby until you decide when to strike.

I want to see their army, I wish to see all of its strength who knows when the next enemy will be strong enough to at least challenge us.

True it's wasting time

We're immortal time is something that's on my side.


This group of monsters are really weird what are they doing imitating humans and Japan that conforms it Rimuru is an isekai protagonist one of the broken ones too no limitations no real weaknesses how much is he goofing off?

We're just his new toys, he probably knows where Makoto is hiding and is able to mess with him nazarick is also in danger Makoto holds my world!

I need to find a way to into contact tempest spies will most likely be watching my actions, even a fool can figure that out if I cast any spells they'll know.

Nazarick is most likely going crazy, who knows what madness they'll do in my absence.

Location nazarick
Arguments many Arguments

We've been tricked, let's kill them.

Ho you think that you're capable we're dealing with unknown monsters in unknown lands, and we'd need to deal with Makoto and underlings first I've already planned for them.

Let's do it now if master was captured Makoto was with him, he couldn't have escaped without being damaged.

It'll require capturing some of his underlings first to lure him into nazarick.

He doesn't leave any of them around here, and it'll be difficult we'll lose a few guardians fighting him and his four elites, the rest will fall if they parish.

(Shalltear thinking for once calmly even strange Albedo might lose her sanity)
(This is risky going to war without our master's orders who'll take the fall)
Ring ring
Hello Mare status

We have visitors, two of Makoto subordinates have come and are waiting at the entrance.

I see I'll be there soon
Well looks like our plan is in motion a lot earlier than expected, lets move.

Well this they look furious that natural if our master was captured while his ally escaped.

Of course we already lost ours once before we'll need to calm them down with the plan we came up with to rescue him of course I think it'll fell rimuru has subordinates that can match and overpower our master and the failure to enter the city without rimuru being present.

True if they want to go to war I say we drop their planet above rimuru, so they can fight each other no need to defend against them when the real threat is still looming about oh here they come.

Welcome to nazarick, but we currently aren't happy to see you or deal with you.

Well we wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary we've come to ask your assistance in getting your master back we've deemed it impossible by ourselves.

That Rimuru guy has locked down that entire solar system we are trapped inside of it.

Hold it before explaining, let me call someone else.
(Demiurge I need help they're telling me stuff I don't really understand)

Everyone hold positions Mare wants help.

(This is unpleasant I can feel them how many I'm unsure)

Hello visitors, Mare tells me you have something interesting to tell us.

Yea my master wishes to tell you that we're currently trapped inside of Rimuru's solar system.
There are paths for retrieving your master and to escape however it's so obvious that they're traps he's playing with us.

You expect me to believe that let's say we go along with whatever you have planned.

The plan is rather simple instead of a group of sending in strong warriors like last time we send in cannon fodder preferably ones that can obey but know nothing of our main bases or of our key members.

A high chance of failure no info lost they'll be able to trace the location.

As we said it's a trap it is for us or our real enemies.
(This demon is great at controlling his anger he's deemed Rimuru as the real enemy)

(Oh how I wish I could kill them their plan is utter rubbish but their mist magic is useful and is sustaining our world also Rimuru will attack them first by tracking that'll give us time)


(Someone took the bait, should I inform my husband of this he's been wanting more surprises I'll keep it a secret until he asks for it)

Here's your reward Rimuru-sama for leaving us without saying goodbye.

Stacks of paperwork fell upon Rimuru's desk, making him flinch.

Oh um I think I should go question Ainz .

Hmm no we can handle that.

Enjoy your fruits of your procrastination husband good luck.

Authors note I struggled to remember what I had written so there's probably some plot holes
I didn't want to reread 40 thousand words

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