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I killed slimes for 300 hundred year's

Authors note anyone got any manga or something similar to recommend ?


[Azusa] alright Natalie and Cid take care and either defend the fort or flee as fast you can depending on how much you guys think you can handle try to keep everyone alive.

[Cid] of course Azusa we won't let you down.

[Natalie] I hope the war is over next time we meet .

[Dwarf Captain Gim] we need to hurry before we left the human army seemed to be growing.

[Azusa]  I see off we go then by the way where is the Dwarven kingdom?

[Gim] well obviously beneath a mountain range we got out by a old human mine shaft that we had found a few years ago .

[Azusa] is that how we're getting in ?

[Dwarf scout Biggs] yes thats how we were supposed too unfortunately the mine is infested with giant spiders we barely make it through alive by running !

[Dwarf guard Baldwin] I think we should properly enter .

[Biggs] and how are supposed to do that fool.

[Baldwin] we are with the most powerful witch in the world thats how .

[Gim] enough we shall leave it up too the witch of the highlands I doubt giant spiders or heros army could stop her .

[Azusa] I had a very short talk with the demon king for our plan to work I'll need to attract their attention to draw off some of their heros off the demons Frontline so the front door it is.

[Gim] what is this plan you speak of?

[Azusa] it's rather simple I am the decoy I'll make a large scene while aiding the dwarfs forcing the hero's to try to take me out while the demons launch a full scale invasion to finish this war.

[Gim] I'm not fond of the idea to lure more heros to my home.

[Azusa] don't worry the hero's that are attacking will be wiped out before their backup gets close I'm gonna try to smash them before they get to your home as long as nothing goes wrong .

[Biggs] she jinxed it we're doomed !

[Baldwin] weren't we already doomed through or did you have a way out.

[Biggs] I just gonna run away as fast as possible and hope for the best.

[Gim] stupid run away who'd make Dwarven alcohol cause I'm sure that your alcoholic ass would die in a week without it.

[Azusa] yea I'm gonna have to try some after we defeat them shall we pick up the pace it'll take a long time if we continue to go foot .

[Biggs] no more walking really .

[Azusa] it's time to fly gentlemen .


To the heros pov we go

[General hero] report

[ captain] the dwarfs are on ropes as ordered we are trying to keep the casualties on both sides to a minimum.

[ General hero] we those dwarfs they make some of the best weapons out there have we got any news on the elves and beastfolk .

[ captain] yes we got carried away while dealing with the elves most are broken but we can still make medicines so all good .

[ Strategist ] we wiped most of them out before we knew it
their numbers were lower than estimates .

[General hero] I see we can't do the same here I want those weapons to kill those annoying dragons that keep carpet bombing us.

[Strategist] don't forget about the witch of the highlands she already wiped one of our army's out no survivor's she's our greatest enemy.

[General hero] as long as she stays in the hills we're fine for now
My angel told me barrier will fall soon so she will die guaranteed.

[Captain] thats a relief but will angels be capable of killing her through.

[Strategist] its possible they overwhelm her with numbers .

[General hero] doubt it most likely the closest to being gods will kill her the
Seraphim the highest ranking angels.

[Strategist] you fool don't speak of them .

[Captain] seraphim never heard that name before .

[General hero] not surprising the angel that supports me is at the Dominion level our King Henry has the high ranking angel a Throne .

[Strategist] stop it you know they hate when we speak about their ranks.

[Captain] ok I get it I won't say anything else I'm very curious through .

[Strategist] good lets another attempt at destroying  Dwarven resistance .

[Captain] yes sir


Demon kingdom

[Beelzebub] Laika are the dragons ready .

[Laika] yes we are I'm gonna go all out .

[Beelzebub] you'll be one of my generals if you die due being reckless morale will plummet so hold back on you're eagerness .

[Laika] ok I wonder what Azusa is doing right now.

[Beelzebub] oh you might not know she's heading to the Dwarven kingdom to aid them and draw some heros off our lines .

[Laika] really thats kinda odd .

[Beelzebub] she's been worried about the barrier being destroyed so she's gonna put some effort in ending this war.

[Laika I guess we'll see each other sooner than I thought .


[With Azusa and dwarfs]

[Gim] I feel sick

[Biggs] flying is awesome

[Baldwin] never thought I'd miss walking

[Azusa] you get used to it I'm not great at flying with people so is that the mountain that has massive army at its doors you're home .

[Gim] holy shit it grew it's double the size it was before we left .

[Azusa] ok I'm gonna land on the mountain to let you guys off while I pick a fight.

[Biggs] women you are beyond crazy.

[Gim] drinks on me if you Survive.

[Baldwin] may the roll of the dice be in you're favor .

[Azusa] odd way of saying goodbye .

Flying above the army .

[Azusa]  hello there hero's I am the witch of the highlands my purpose is destroy you no hard feelings .

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