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I killed slimes for 300 years

[Authors note I write most of these chapters on my phone and this originally was only going to be 10 chapters so I'm a bit off and I'm actually having fun again writing again
With the heros

[General hero] why is she here thats impossible our spys said she'd be with demon invasion have they seen through our plans .

[Strategist hero] most likely no they would've sent the dragons with her .

[Captain hero] can you not feel that forget dragons, demons, what is she can't be human .

[General hero] she is prepare yourself with your best defenses may the angels aid us it's our only hope.

[Strategist hero] Captain run as fast as possible get king Henry and the royal guard .


[Dwarf Captain Gim] what all of the heros are freaking out but she hasn't made a move yet I must admit she seems a bit different what you guys think?

[Dwarf guard Baldwin] yea my body is telling me to run as fast as possible away from here.

[Dwarf scout biggs] yea did her hat got even bigger how does she keep it on it's very odd I bet it could hold a kid without problems.

[Gim and Baldwin] how did we not notice?

[Azusa the witch of the highlands]

[Azusa internal] (My head feels very heavy is it my hat I can't worry about that now I need to focus on the heros I wonder can they swim there's only one way to find out)

[Azusa] go swim with the fish pathetic hero's

[General hero internal] (my God that amount of water is enough to wash away a city is she adding wind?
Damn it don't underestimate me I've been chosen by a Dominion angel to protect my fellows and to lead)

<<Shield of Dominion>>

[Azusa internal] (oh I see that one is a little weaker than Laika if so how strong is the angel that guides him at full power this could be a lot worse than I thought when the barrier is broken will I survive? )

<<greater hurricane>>

[Azusa] Sorry but no mercy

[General hero] no no no the shield won't hold for long .

[Strategist] sorry boss but this goodbye .

[General hero] huh what where are you I see the shield wasn't strong enough to protect us i shall see you soon friend farewell.


[Dwarf scout Biggs] I'm scared she's a monster our army couldn't put a dent in their army but one spell ripped them apart a entire army.

[Dwarf guard Baldwin] I can't understand what I just witnessed is this a dream tell me it's a dream please.

[Dwarf Captain Gim] sorry but this is reality as insane as it is I honestly thought it would take longer through but she fulfilled her end of the deal I'll need to convince our king to give her one of the abandoned city's that is near to the highlands it won't take too long if he sees this carnage .


[General hero] how is this possible nothing should be able to kill an entire army so easily i'm sorry my angel .


Off in the distance

[Captain hero] so fast everyone is dead I need to report this to king Henry .


In the demon territory

[Beelzebub] it's time begin the March.

[Laika] Forward

[Demon kind Provat] Goodluck everyone .

With Azusa and the dwarfs

[Azusa] why am I so tired I have plenty of magic .

[Gim Biggs and Baldwin] welcome back supreme one.

[Azusa] I'm too tired to even question why you're calling me that
Will the they open the gates now I need a nap.

[Gim] look they're opening them now.

[Azusa] why are they lining up on either side .

[Biggs] a royal welcome I guess.

[Baldwin] of course you saved us from certain death .

Inside the dwarf kings fortress .

[Dwarf king] elders what reward should we give her i didn't think she would show up to help but she has earned her title of the strongest witch in history .

[Second elder ] she didn't use a staff maybe one of those.

[Third elder] do we have one that could handle her magic .

[First elder] I believe we do but only the king knows where it is .

[Dwarf king] I don't remember it is exactly entertain her while I dig through the ancient artifacts from our ancestors if the reward is not good i do not wish her anger towards us.


[Azusa internal] this place is a fortress each level leads into more killboxes its weird looking at it people living in the walls oh I see the richer you are the more of a complex place you live.

[Azusa] I need to rest my head is killing me Gim I don't care about celebrating .

[Gim] yes ma'am get out of the way you lot we're heading to the kings fortress we'll be there soon.

With heros

[Captain hero] let me though i have an urgent report from the Dwarven Frontline .

[Royal guard] fine go ahead if you make one wrong move you will die understood .

[Captain hero] king Henry our army has been defeated by the witch of the highlands .

[King Henry] really we shouldn't have stirred her up damn how did she do it.

[Captain hero] with one spell a giant hurricane was put on top of us the  General tried to protect them but it was useless.

[Scout hero] my lord the demons are attacking the front lines with a massive army if they don't receive help they'll brake through .

[King Henry] things aren't going well no matter ignore the witch we'll send my army with at the head to fight off the demons .


Above the planet

[Seraphim highest ranked angel Wendy]

[Seraphim Wendy] the gods are here attention all angels .

[Goddess Yun] so what's the status ?

[Seraphim Wendy] nothing is going well the witch is causing problems .

[Goddess Jun] I see we'll brake the barrier but you need to show your worth .

[God Alex] that is true you've failed.

[Seraphim Wendy] yes my lords once the barrier down I'll personally kill the witch.

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