Lord of Death

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in the coliseum of the gods

follow me to my master I have informed him of our arrival 

so how long has your group been here 

a few years we have to keep an eye on things to make sure nothing go's wrong 

what could wrong you seem to have decent amount of strength to deal with these weaklings 

of course I'm strong enough in this place but there are places where my strength is average so must keep myself as  strong as possible unlike them who like to slack off .

really thats strange I've never seen such a place before 

hmm i suppose its not uncommon to not know about those places most of the young gods dont know about it it took a lot of effort to find it that place isn't a where you would want go if it wasn't a order to explore i would have ran as fast as I could to get out it's a nightmare anyway we are here i doubt i need to tell you but don't look down on him 

no worries there lets go opens door the skybox overlooks the entire arena in the center of the box sits a strange skeleton dressed in tattered robes I dont sense anyone else is this a trap the vampire closed the door after we entered so ceil is this a trap.

no traps detected no space magic or any magic strange master that undead is strange something is off with him be carful .

hello slime and demon how may i help you are you lost have you come to eat my bones or perhaps come to take my throne or my skybox im willing to kill ya for both so how bout it.

we have come here to talk to that vampire's master perhaps you could direct us to him.

oh I could do that with ease after all I am a master of a vampire are perchance looking for me .

I dont know you are strange i cant see your magic but skeleton's can't move without it so why are you trying concealing it's a waste of time. 

well done if you couldn't figure that out you wouldn't be worth my time im happy to have intelligent visitors I should introduce myself before I forget my name is ainz ooal gown just call me ainz its a pleasure to meet you true demon lord and supreme slime god this should interesting 

my name is rimuru and this is diablo nice to meet you ainz 

so do tell me what brought you to this place you dont look like some one who picks fights with weaklings 

hmm we came here because we keep getting attacked while travelling the supposedly safe space lanes to avoid unwanted perhaps you something about this .

that's it how boring I guess I can tell you it's not a secret well here you go one of the true gods decided it was time for a massive angel demon that spans many different worlds so many angels and demons who patrolled those lanes are busy fighting that the lanes are breaking down now any space faring species can invade I have ordered many of my troops to guard the lanes to my world those lanes make invading different worlds easy thats about it any thing else.

why have they avoided our world and how'd you master was a slime we haven't shown anyone .

oh that I have heard the rumors about you're world about the strongest slime and they avoid the worlds that are the list that the angels plan to attack but that wouldn't be enough to destroy that world they need many gods to do so they have rallied around 12 gods in total to deal with ya 10 weak 2 strong but after meeting you in person they would need 12 strong and 60 weak for complete victory .

so they don't have the forces to deal with us .

no they have spread out their forces they are attacking a world right now I sent a spy to check it out the demons of that world are holding for now but I don't know how long that will last I'm trying to gather forces to assist them but I'm spread to thin right now perhaps you would like to join my alliance .

hmm let me think about give me few .

of course no need to rush just a world on the line .

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