Bored Demons

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with the three primordial demons at tempest

I can't believe we got left behind again how many time's have we've been left behind .

6 times stop bitching about it Rimuru our master he can do whatever he wants .

sigh i know im mad at him but diablo for ditching his paperwork on me if i could i'd lay him on his back.

then what straddle him 

what the F you couldn't pay me to that with him that lunatic he'd brake me too easily just thinking about give's me shivers.

are you girls done with you're complaining and fantasizing yet.

I think I am done complaining for now but she is looking a bit hot and bothered kinda like shion when she talks with rimuru .

I'm fine do you think he left us behind because we annoy him or are we just too weak to be of use .

you fools neither this was a excuse to go on a  private vacation with Ceil i heard it from Shuna so she is properly right and to see how well we handle without him its been awhile sense he left without leaving a clone behind  .

that's true but why would diablo go with them if that was the case .

are you kidding me diablo loves peaking in on peoples fun time I saw him watching Benimaru and his wife having fun a year ago so watching master do the same thing he'd properly die from excitement  

how interesting sense you saw him peaking on them means you must have been watching them already so you are also a pervert a fitting for a couple  .

what no thats impossible oh look at the time I best be off time to train my subordinates it has been awhile .

birds of the feather flock together hmm oh how's it going with you're boyfriend what was his name Kurobe or something .

I'm surprised you actually remember his name .

tch of course I remember him he helped in the making all those beautiful weapons soo is he good with his hands if ya know .

he's not bad at all just needs more practice I plan on teaching him again soon so how's you're hunt going 

not good at all everyone that fits my taste is too weak to play with me without me braking them I don't want so many potion's to fix them so im waiting for the right one .

girls I hate to interrupt but it's closing time so off you go goodnight.

with rimuru at the gods coliseum 

this place smells of blood and fear I love it makes me want to kill every one in sight hmm perhaps a enchantment to excite this feeling I would get along with the people who made this place it has a lot of weak gods through I expected there to be more powerful gods I follow master inside of it is bigger on the inside than the outside space magic very interesting it must be strong the arena is about 500 meters or yards across for large scale battles the stands are 5 layers high I think around one million people could fit in here impressive oh i feel fuzzy someone is using magic against me not bad young one but too weak try again in a couple thousand years. 

oh my he resisted my mind control i should introduce him and his master to milord let have all the aces this place has to offer hey you demon would you like to go the skybox with me to meet my master no need far you to waste you're time with these weakling's so how bout it hmm

master we should go he might have the info we need 

I don't see a reason to say no lead on shalltear.

[authors note idk about this chapter is it good or bad or bland ?

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