01 --- brat ☆ミ

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yeah, red eyes, black dragon.


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what? 2 years." rindou sighed, walking down the sidewalk. there was a rokuhara tandai meeting about their next heist at the abandoned warehouse they use for all their meetings.

"what're you on about, rindou?" the older male asked, sighing silently to himself. the taller male tilted his head upwards, looking at the night sky that beamed on the dirty city below.

"y/n. don't you miss her?" rindou scoffed, fixing his glasses on his face that were falling slightly.

ran scoffed quietly to himself. of course he missed her. and to make shit worse, her little brother was in the same gang as him- yet again.

"fix this shit, brother." rindou scoffed, side eyeing his older brother once he stayed quiet.

"what am i supposed to fix when she broke up with me?" ran quietly chuckled, stopping once they reached the entrance to tandai's hideout. "besides, you act like you were the one in love with her."

rindou had no time to rebuttal as the door was opened by the older brother. the two haitani's made their way through the abandoned building, finding their way to the middle of the group that piled around before south yelled for everyone's attention.

"for this mission, rokuhara tandai will split up!" he yelled, looking around his uniformed gang.

south proceeded to tell everyone how the heist would go as planned, where everyone would be positioned, and who would be with who.

of course, the first 4 seats were together; kakucho, ran, rindou, kanji. the four stood outside in front of a well-known hideout by an alley.

they were in charge of going in, killing the leader, and making a way for south and the rest to take over the gang as a whole.

rindou sat down on the bench, his feet swinging back and forth while his usual lazy look sitting on his face while he eyed the wearhouse.

ran stood beside the bench, leaning on the wall with his legs crossed while kanji stood on the other side of the bench.

kakucho was scouting the area, ready to report back about all the ways to enter and exit + what's guarded and what's not.

a girl walking on the sidewalk across the street caught ran's eye. it seemed she came from the alleyway that sat beside the wearhouse.

she looks familiar, ran thought to himself before being snapped back into reality.

"are you listening to me, ran?" kanji scoffed. ran's eyes flickered from the girl to kanji before he nodded boredly.

"what did i-" kanji was cut off by a yell. the girl across the street kicking at a drunk man that was crawling on top of her.

ran's tongue clicked while he made his way across the street; the other two males he was with raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

of course ran knew the girls voice from anywhere.

and like that, the drunken male was dead in just one kick. not much of an opponent, seriously.

the girl, whom was out of breath from all the kicking, stared up at the tall male. she read the back of his outfit before subconsciously backing away.

"why're you crawling away?" ran rolled his eyes, turning around to hold his hand outward to the girl who scoffed.

"ran?!" she hissed while the male shushed her. "don't shush me- hey! wait!"

she was taken off guard, considering the male's already thin patience grew thinner. he threw her over his shoulder, rolling his eyes at her light punches and kicks.

he sat her down lightly in front of rindou, sighing while she crossed her arms and pouted.

"sissy?" kakucho stated, dumbfounded as he walked up to the group. his eyes darted from her face; the one red eye & the other e/c eye staring up at him in wonder, before his eyes darted to her dragon tattoo that ran up her arm.

y/n sighed, before sitting down beside rindou who hummed at the girl. silence encased the group before kakucho cleared his throat and told the group how to get in and what parts were guarded.

"should we be saying our plan aloud to this.... girl?" kanji asked, raising an eyebrow as he eyed the girl suspiciously.

"she won't snitch." rindou smiled softly, while y/n scoffed.

"maybe i will, maybe i won't." she mumbled.

"stop being a brat." ran scoffed, squeezing her cheeks between his thumb and index finger while his hand rested under her chin. "stay right here. don't move an inch. don't move a muscle. just stay, seated."

ran let go of her face once she nodded slowly, starting his way behind kanji. kakucho kissed his sisters forehead, smiling softly before making his way behind ran.

rindou was last to get up, kissing y/n's cheek before making his way across the street as well.

"i'm hungry," y/n mumbled to herself after she watched the four men make their way into the wearhouse to cause havoc. "there's a frozen yogurt spot down the street, right?"

she got up from the bench, making her way down the street to get herself frozen yogurt.

"i'll be back by the time they finish, right?"

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