11 --- night before ☆ミ

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i'll take you to heaven if you die.


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y/n asked groggily, just turning over from a nap to see ran slowly walk into her room. he didn't want to wake her up, however he was bored alone. "kakucho told me he was going to spend the night with you and rin?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"he is. i just missed my pretty girlfriend." he hummed, laying down in bed next to her. his purple irises searched hers. he had been contemplating on weather he should even go with the gang tomorrow or not; he hoped she'd have an answer for him, but he knew it'd just be a no.

"i missed my pretty boyfriend." she mumble, completely turning on her side to look at him. she started to play with his hair that was styled in a ponytail with two strands in the front. he hummed softly, closing his eyes with a small sigh.

"tomorrows the day." he whispered. she scooted closer, anxious to hear those words. she sighed in understanding, humming softly knowing he was always anxious the day before. she wrapped her arms around his neck sluggishly while yawning and stretched slightly; his chin resting on the top of her head.

"i'm sure everything will be fine." y/n mumbled, softly kissing his neck in reassurance. he wrapped his arms around her torso before his calloused hands started to softly roam her soft thighs. he bit his lip anxiously, before speaking again and breaking the comforting silence the two had.

"you know," he started. "anything could happen, and-"

"hush ran." she sighed, softly pressing her lips onto his. "everything will be okay." she whispered softly with reassurance. he hummed, smiling at her lazily before leaning in to kiss her once more.

of course, the kids was slow & passionate; like always when he didn't know if he would see her again. he was first to break the kiss, softly kissing her cheek, jaw, neck, anything really before leaning over her.

he slowly kissed & sucked on her (skin tone) skin, leaving visible marks anywhere he could. her neck, her chest, her collarbone. he'd kiss them afterwards, almost like a teasing apology while she moved the strands of hair out of his face.

his hands crawled under her small tank top, hinting for her to take it off to which she did. he hummed, starting to kiss around her stomach and boobs before gently grabbing her chin when she looked away.

"look at me," he hummed softly; making eye contact with her e/c eyes. "i love you, y/n."

it'd always been rare for ran to say the phrase. even when they were together the first time, it was always hard for him to say it to her. everyone knew it. everyone can tell. it just wasn't verbalized much.

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