16 --- forever & always ☆ミ

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then she told me i should speak up

then she told me i should speak up

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rindou huffed disappointedly, "two goddamn years & you're still sulking over her."

"do you ever shut up?" ran groaned, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling. the two sat in their living room, a few bottles of beer here & there.

"no." rindou shrugged. "even i miss her."

"yeah? what's stopping you from going to see her then?" ran mumbled, tilting his head to the side as he watched the pointless movie that played lowly.

"you." rindou scoffed. "because you fucked up, i don't have my best friend anymore."

"me?" ran scoffed, standing from his seat as he was starting to get quite irritated; something that happened easily a lot lately. "reminder, we both were in jail!"

"this 'break' has lasted long enough dude. just go see her before you lose your fucking chance."

chance? ran didn't have a chance anymore. in the back of his mind he already knew. she forgot about him; she moved on. she's probably happy.

as much as he loved her, he didn't want to ruin her happiness.

"i'm going for a walk." ran huffed, grabbing a jacket since it was late winter & walking through the door.

rindou sighed and shrugged. he was used to the way ran would blow off the topic & go for a 'walk.'

no matter how much he didn't want to physically admit it,

he just wanted to see his brother happy.

ran however, seemed to dislike the idea of happiness that didn't involve y/n. he truly did miss her but hey, what can he do?

he was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize he walked 2 hours & ended up at her door. he blinked at the realization; soft snow melting under his feet.

he hesitated to knock on the door but ended up doing so. he'd just check on how she was doing.

after what felt like hours, no one had still answered the door. he was ready to turn around until he heard it crack & there it was.



the shock on both of their faces was very evident. mikey? living with y/n? no, no. he was just visiting, right?

he killed her brother.

"who's that?" y/n yelled from the couch. the two were in the middle of playing dragon ball fighterz but considering someone was at the door, the game was paused.

"uh.." mikey hesitated. "uhm. maybe you should just come see.." he mumbled, turning around to go to the kitchen.

y/n rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch to see who was at the door.

her eyes met with ran's purple hues & suddenly the both of them felt violently sick. why was ran so nervous?

his eyes flickered over her figure. she looked better. she was eating a lollipop- kakucho's favorite flavor. clad in pj's & a tank top & her hair was pretty messy but one thing he hadn't failed to notice;

how healthy she looked.

how happy she seemed.

his heart skipped a few beats just looking at her but her doe e/c eyes didn't seem to hold the same soft look they did two years ago.

was he sulking over a girl who didn't love him anymore?

"ran!" she beamed, leaning on the doorframe before realizing he was standing in the freezing cold.

his face was flushed from the cold air along with a different appearance. he'd cut his hair shorter; still long but like it was when they were 16. he also had it down instead of in braids- same color though.

"it's so nice to see you! come in!" she beamed, moving to the side to let ran in. shocked a bit, his mouth became agape while he tried to decline her offer but...

"who could say no to you, huh?" he chuckled softly under his breath. he walked in, taking off his shoes & following her to the couch.

"i'm gone. takemichi & chifuyu are waiting for me." mikey hummed, hugging y/n before leaving the door.

silence encased the two ex-lovers before ran cleared his throat at the awkward tension. she hummed, looking over at the male who was looking everywhere but her.

"how have you been?" she asked, exiting the game to put on some background noise.

"i've been alright." that was a lie. though he was proud of his accomplishments & some part of him knew she would be proud too. "how have you been?"

"well," she chuckled sadly. "i've missed you & my brother. everything seems to remind me of him." she smiled.

"at least you have mikey now?" ran added, trying to lighten the mood as she laughed once again.

"he's such a handful!" she laughed. he found himself laughing along with her. it was just like old times. "how's rin? gosh, i miss rin!"

her playful pout made ran feel better in some way. if she missed one she had to have missed the other, right?

"it's been so long since i've seen the two of you, i didn't even know you were out. why didn't you contact me!" she huffed, playfully hitting his arm.

he stiffened.

"well, i didn't think you would want to see me." he sighed softly, "considering you never made your final visit."

"oh..." she mumbled. sighing heavily she wrapped her arms around ran's torso; catching the male slightly off guard. "honestly, i didn't think i'd still be here today."

ran's heart felt heavy.

"sorry for not visiting one last time, darling."

her breathing was going steady & he could tell she was drowning out into the unconsciousness of sleep. he was still glad she was comfortable enough to slowly fall asleep on him; even after two years.

"it's okay, m'love." he muttered, kissing the top of her head before wrapping her up in a blanket.

"i'll love you, forever & always."

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