02 --- out ☆ミ

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fuck, i think the nitrous did damage

fuck, i think the nitrous did damage

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you're telling me is..." south huffed, calming his anger while his first 4 seats and a girl who enjoyed frozen yogurt stood in front of him. "you failed the mission, because of this girl?"

kakucho sighed before chuckling nervously. his hand rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly while he stood, almost protectively, in front of his sister.

"well, no." he hummed, getting ready to correct south before he was cut off by the repetitive head shake.

"get out." he hissed; his hands clenching and unclenching in anger.

the small group slowly nodded, following orders and making their way out of the building.

kanji made his way home- or so he said. he was probably getting ready to fuck shit up or kill someone to relieve anger, but no one questioned.

"train leaves in... 15." y/n stated, scooping the rest of her frozen yogurt on her spoon before tapping kakucho's lip.

he at the frozen yogurt off her spoon, smiling gratefully at his older sister who picked his favorite flavor.

"no way we'll make it in time, sweetheart." ran mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets while tilting his head backwards to look at the sky.

"just stay over!" kakucho insisted which made his sister whip her head over to him. "o-only if sissy's okay with it, of course." he nervously laughed under her glare.

"just don't.. make a mess. i assume, you can stay." she huffed, turning her head to the side before leading the way to home; the boys following behind as if they were her bodyguards.

everyone got situated and comfortable; ran and rindou opting to take the two couches in the living room with a few extra pillows and blankets while kakucho and y/n slept comfortably in their rooms.

however, y/n couldn't sleep. and neither could ran. he sat criss crossed in the middle of the couch, watching television on a low volume he could barely hear himself.

he played around with the soft, fuzzy blanket he'd always use whenever he came over when the two dated; his eyes trained on the television.

he didn't even hear when she came from down the hallway until he felt her start to undo his braids.

"hm? sorry, did i wake you?" he asked lowly, making sure to be cautious in not waking rindou.

the girl sat down on the couch beside him, massaging the side of his head when she was done with a braid before moving to the next.

"no, i was already up." she shook her head, softly speaking to the male in front of her.

he watched her closely as she took out his last braid, massaging his head afterwards before a short sigh left her lips.

"what did i tell you about keeping these in all day?" she scoffed quietly to which ran's bored eyes lit up slightly in amusement.

"my bad, sweetheart." he mumbled, giving her a lazy smile. the two gazed into each other's eyes; catching up on long lost time without having to say anything towards the other.

"why'd you join another gang after you told me you wouldn't? after you said you'd get a fresh start?" she mumbled, first to speak and break the silence.

ran frowned, his head dropping down before he looked over at his sleeping brother who was in one of the awkwardest positions.

"can we talk somewhere else?" he asked, his purple irises shooting back over to her just to catch her nod.

"of course, darling."

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