13 --- another ☆ミ

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caught in a gaze, i persuade her w/ my own complications

caught in a gaze, i persuade her w/ my own complications

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y/n hissed. she was angry. complete & utter anger came over her body while rindou softly explained that him, his brother, and her brother joined another gang under mikey.

the other two thought rindou should tell her. he was calming to her, always softly talking and laughing with her so they thought it'd be best.

which they still do. she was mostly projecting her anger off to the other two and not as much rindou; thinking about ran or kakucho telling her themselves sent a shiver down their spine.

"listen, n/n." rindou sighed softly, grabbing a hold on her hand across the table so she'd look at him and not glare holes into her brothers head. ran kicked his brothers leg harshly when he noticed the calming squeeze he gave her.

rin immediately let go of her hands, wincing at the pain before punching ran's arm harshly. kakucho cleared his throat loudly to get the brothers back on track which made them sigh.

"n/n. we all love you, and everything... but with our criminal record we'd never get actual jobs to help provide for you. so... this is our best option for right now." he softly smiled, hoping she'd understand.

y/n worked two jobs; one at the library shelving books and being a receptionist and one at a nearby cafe. she only did so in order to help provide for her and her brother. even with izana & shin's help, she still managed to get short almost every month for food; so she picked up jobs.

"you don't have to do that for me rin." she sighed softly, "even though that's a shitty excuse." she rolled her eyes. rin was getting nervous his own self, looking at ran for help.

this wasn't even supposed to be his position or problem. ran was the boyfriend.

"c'mon baby, don't be mad at us." ran sighed, grabbing her hands that laid on the counter before she snatched them back. she glared at the three before leaving her own house; leaving them with their own thoughts.

the two haitani's looked over at kakucho who had been very silent.

"i'm not talking her into this." he shook his head.

"you're her brother, c'mon." ran pleaded, "she'd listen to you."

kakucho shook his head in disagreement. he knew she'd never listen to him, especially after the tenjiku incident. this made the other two males sigh.

"just give her dick, maybe she might agree." rin joked, lightly nudging his brothers shoulder. kakucho gagged, not wanting to hear about his best friend & sister fucking. though, ran softly smiled at the idea.

"don't come home tonight." he joked to kakucho who made a disgusting face and got out of his seat.

"don't gotta worry about it." he sighed, shaking his head to get the conversation out of his head while going to try to find his sister.

it didn't take long to spot her down the street from the cafe she worked at. he quickly jogged up to her, calling out her name in various ways.

"sissy! i know you hear me!" he pouted when he ran up to her. she sighed to herself softly. she looked like she was waiting for someone.

"what kaku?" she asked, turning her head to look at the male. "did you leave those idiots alone in my house?" she hissed, realizing it was just him.

he nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his head with a timid nod.

"who're you waiting for?" he asked, changing subject so she wouldn't be even more mad at him.

"him." she mumbled, nodding her head to the purple and blonde haired male who looked both ways before crossing the street.

kakucho gulped. unfortunately for her, she didn't know he was in the same gang as him now.

"y/n." he muttered lowly, giving the female a hug. "how have you been?" he asked, adjusting his lollipop before giving her one, like always.

"could be a lot better." she scoffed, staring at her little brother who was dumbfounded that the two even knew each other.

"how do you guys..." kakucho trailed off, absolutely confused.

"he used to always be in shin's shop whenever i stopped by looking for izana. he always gave me lollipops though." she chuckled, handing the lollipop to kakucho. "that i always gave to you."

kakucho sighed, taking the lollipop from his sister who smiled softly; kissing his cheek before making her way down the street with wakasa.

"well, this isn't good."

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