15 --- death ☆ミ

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one in the chamber, i shot back

one in the chamber, i shot back

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y/n hissed. she couldn't believe the news ran just told her. him & his brother were in jail, like fucking always & she was visiting.

"i'm so sorry, baby." ran mumbled, putting his hands in the middle of the table for her to hold. it was the most he could do to comfort her. he wished to get up and hug her but the guard only allowed so much.

"you're sorry?" she scoffed, "you keep finding more and more ways to get in trouble. why am i sitting with you right now in jail?"

"i know-"

"you know then why do you keep doing it?"  she asked, "i told you to leave tenjiku when it started getting bad. you joined another gang after that & now my brothers fucking dead."

he stayed silent, her hands in his while she cried silently.

"you're the love of my life. and i'd do anything for you-"

"then why are you always finding ways to get in trouble?" she asked quietly, letting go of his hands which made his eyes widen. "i think-"

"no." he stated quickly. "no. i promise we'll be happy when i get out. no gangs. just me and you."

"i don't think i can." she shook her head softly. "i just need a break, okay?"

"no." he stated firmly. "that break is gonna end up with you finding someone else and i can't-" he took a deep breath.

"i don't think i can handle that." he stated honestly. he knew he was already pretty fucked up in the head, but watching the love of his life be happy with someone else was too much to handle.

"ran. i promise. it's just a break. from this." she stated, looking around at the jail. "i'll come visit one more time."

"no you won't. i know you won't." he stated, "i know i fucked up a lot in the past, but i want to make this work."

"it can't work if you continue to end up in jail." she mumbled, standing up from her seat while he frantically shook his head.

"i love you." he stated, hoping it'd make the situation better. hoping she'd just sit back down.

"i love you too, darling." she hummed softly, walking out the doors that the guard held for her.

a few months since that day had passed. she didn't keep her promise & didn't visit ran again. in fact, she became quite depressed; even contemplated suicide which waka had talked her out of many times.

she finished her prayer at the grave. she held a small funeral for her brother with the rest of the money she did have; not many people showed up which was to be expected but she didn't care.

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