05 --- failed ☆ミ

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woah, i won't let it set me off

woah, i won't let it set me off

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rindou hissed, staring down at his older brother who slept comfortable under y/n's covers. he shook the male's shoulder violently while ran grumbled and shook him off.

"fucker, wake up!" he hissed once more while ran over exaggeratedly sighed before his eyes fluttered open. he realized the cold spot beside him; noticing the girl wasn't there anymore before he looked at his brother.

"what, rin?" he mumbled, blinking the sleep out of his eyes while rindou narrowed his own brownish gray irises.

"you completely dipped on the mission." he huffed. "south's fucking pissed."

ran abruptly sat up when he remembered he didn't return. his eyes were wide; his hair a mess while his mouth became agape. he looked at his brother slowly before chuckling nervously and waving his hand around.

"i got... preoccupied." he mumbled. "y/n invited me in to watch movies and how can you say no to her?"

"yeah, sure." rindou hummed to himself before rolling his eyes. "now you have to deal with a limping y/n and an angry south."

"she's limping?" ran asked, raising an eyebrow before the girl in question walked into her room- limping.

"i was going to make breakfast, hi rin. but! kakucho insisted on going out, so what do you wanna eat?" she stated, cheery as usual with a smile on her pretty face.

"doesn't matter-" ran started, before his brother sent him a harsh glare. "we're about to leave anyway, it's fine." he immediately stated, fixing his previous statement.

he got out of the girls bed, taking his hair out of the messy braids all together before giving the smaller girl a hug.

"you should also stop walking on that leg if it's hurts to the point of limping." he mumbled, while she waved him off looking for clothes to put on for the day.

"it'll be fine. i cleaned it last night while you slept!" she beamed, "just a scratch!"

he hummed in understanding, before she abruptly turned to look at him which caused him to flinch slightly. she smiled up at the taller male who raised an eyebrow at the sudden mood change.

"thank you, ran!"

"huh-" he asked, mostly to himself. "stop being sappy and shit." he huffed before rindou smiled more so to himself before clearing his throat.

"oh. we have to go, but i'll see you later?" ran asked, looking at the girl who nodded gleefully before hugging the two brothers; kissing rindou's cheek and seeing them out.

"you're so in love with her!" rindou teased, watching the way ran rolled his eyes while he cheeks heated up a little like a small schoolboy.

"thought we were past this." he mumbled, stuffing his hands in pockets before looking upward at the bright sky. "are we seeing south or heading home?"

the two brothers stopped walking, standing in complete silence while just staring at the sky for a few seconds.

"south'll kill you." rindou mumbled, "so-"

"south." ran finished, sighing to himself before starting his way to the hideout. "better to get it over with, right rin?"

"i guess so, brother." rindou mumbled, following behind his older brother. "but, y/n?"

"why do you always bring her up?" ran sighed to himself, slowing his pace down drastically thinking about having to face the girl with a broken nose or a black eye.

"she's... crazy. to put it in more simpler terms, i guess." he sighed, "you see how she acted when kakucho got shot!"

ran huffed, waving his brother off before walking up to the abandoned arcades doors. he outreached his hand before stopping midway; his hand about 2 inches away from the door handle.

"i don't think you should go in with me." he stated randomly, looking at rindou who was confused as fuck.

"huh?" rindou blinked before ran rolled his eyes.

"don't come in with me. go.. home? or go back to y/n's if you don't wanna be so far away." he exclaimed, rindou looking at the male as if he was insane. "it's like a 5 minute walk." he deadpanned.

"yeah, a 5 minute walk i just fucking took." rindou rebutdtaled.

ran gave his brother a serious look to which he rolled his eyes at and threw his hands up in defense.

"alright." he mumbled, starting his way back to y/n's house while muttering on and on about how dumb it was for him to leave in the first place.

"why do i have such a bad feeling?"

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