14 --- gf ☆ミ

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stuck in my ways, it's understated

stuck in my ways, it's understated

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how you know my girlfriend?" ran hummed, sitting beside waka on the couch in the new hideout of kantou. the meeting was over but members still lingered around to get to know each other better.

ran's legs spread out while he leaned comfortably on the couch beside the male who hummed in confusion. lollipop in his mouth as he turned his head to the side softly with a confused look.

"who's your girlfriend?" he asked, bored eyes trailing around ran's face.

"y/n." ran shrugged, "just wanna know how you know her, that's all." he hummed, meeting the purple irises that already looked over at him.

"there's nothing to worry about, if that's why you're asking." waka scoffed to himself, moving his gaze from the braided haired male who sat beside him back to the door. he slowly stood up, seeing benkei waiting for him before wishing ran a fair well.

ran hummed softly to himself, watching the male leave with his friend before sighing and leaning his head back. his eyes shut softly while he thought. though, those thoughts were shut down almost immediately as rindou roughly shoved him.

"fucker let's go." rindou hissed, watching his idiotic older brother sigh in annoyance as his eyes snapped open. kakucho chuckled quietly to himself, watching the interaction go down by the door.

"you don't have to shove me shit head." ran huffed, standing up and shoving rindou to the side before starting his walk towards the door. "your sister home?" ran asked kakucho as the two started to walk- leaving a mumbling rindou to walk behind them.

"um..." kakucho thought, looking at a clock on the wall to see the time. "she should be."

"great, go home with rindou." ran smiled softly at the male, though he had a mischievous glint in his eyes which made kakucho uncomfortable.

"okay..." the male trailed off, feeling ran's calloused hand ruffle his hair softly before running off ahead of the two.

when he arrived at his destination he noticed the door wasn't locked; leaving him to walk straight in. he called out for the girl he was there to see- not getting a response which made him scoff.

he removed his shoes, walking towards the girls room which was open as well. he saw her laying in bed, hair sprawled everywhere while she napped. her phone lit up with a phone call, ran forcing himself to look away & not snoop before it rang again.

he thought over his options. she was sleep, so he could answer it for her. it might be kakucho or rindou. therefore, with the bullshit excuses he'd come up with, he looked over at the phone to see none other than waka calling.

he sighed to himself, declining the call before moving some of y/n's hair out her face. the soft touch made her grumble and become alert.

her eyes fluttered open, seeing ran softly smiling down at her. that is, until her fight or flight worked faster than her brain. she immediately punched him in the face, causing him to stumble backwards with a loud curse.

"damn it!" he huffed, holding his now hurt nose as she immediately got out of bed and ran to his side.

"sorry! sorry! you startled the fuck out of me! stop doing that!" she hissed, checking for any bad injuries.

"that shit hurt n/n!" ran whined, holding his nose that felt broken- he was over exaggerating though.

"oh please, you've been in gangs forever. there's no way that small punch hurt you." she chuckled quietly, watching the male pout at her before she started to undo his braids.

"thanks," he sighed of relief, feeling her small fingers massage the sides of his head. "i saw your bestie today." ran mumbled, putting his hands to rest nicely on her waist.

"huh? rindou? you see him everyday." she laughed, confused. she watched ran roll his eyes in annoyance, making her tilt her head with even more confusion.

"nevermind." he sighed, setting his head in the crook of her neck.

"who are you talking about then?" she mumbled, feeling ran start to kiss up her neck and towards her jawline. she moved her head upwards to give the male more room, completely forgetting about the conversation that was previously stated.

his lips slowly made their way to connect with hers; a soft & sweet kiss that started off slow before getting more heated as time passed. his hands roamed from the arch of her back to cup the skin of her ass before squeezing it slightly.

"forget about it." he mumbled against her lips. her breathing had gone heavy and her eyes were half lidded while she stared up at the taller male who was already looking at her. "i don't have a condom."

"you cum in me all the time, why are you worried about a condom now?" she chuckled quietly, making the male shrug at the realization.

"i just have a feeling you forget to take your birth control like you're supposed to." he mumbled, picking her up while her legs immediately tightened around his waist.

"shut up." she huffed embarrassingly because she had forgot her birth control two days in a row.

"do i need to pull out or what?" he chuckled softly, laying her down on the bed before softly kissing her cheek.

"yeah." she huffed, moving her head to the side to ignore his teasing glint since she hated whenever he was right. he tilted her head back to him before speaking.

"look at me when i'm about to fuck you." he mumbled, squeezing her face softly before letting go and starting to pull her shirt up over her head.

it was a random graphic t-shirt that definitely was rindou's. she always has a habit of taking the shirts he couldn't wear anymore but this one was her favorite.

she hummed softly at the feeling of his soft lips kissing her cold skin, leaving visible marks anywhere he could.

"is there a fight coming up or something?" she mumbled softly, sighing as her fingers ran through his hair.

"not yet." he mumbled, before stopping everything to think. "actually yeah i think so."

"you did not have to stop to tell me that." she hissed, narrowing her eyes at the male who shrugged.

he was about to continue before he heard her front door open. throwing on her shirt, she scrambled to look decent since she assumed it was kakucho.

which, it was. rindou followed closely behind the male as they peeped into her open room door.

"i thought i told you idiots to go home." ran hissed, watching his little brother shrug without a care.

"we were then i remembered no trains are running so we're here." rindou shrugged, walking into the room and floping down beside y/n. "nice shirt."

"thanks, it's my fav." she mumbled, giving a tired smile.

"i'm gonna take a shower." kakucho hummed, waving at his sister who nodded. her arms tightened around her boyfriends neck so he would stop grumbling under his breath about how much he hated his brother & how much of a cockblock they both were.

"i'm going back to sleep. feel free to stay in here rin." she chuckled purposely.

"fuck no, get out rindou."

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