06 --- bail ☆ミ

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man, no pressure, only texting when im not enough

man, no pressure, only texting when im not enough

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ran exclaimed to the girl who's jaw clenched and unclenched in anger. he pursed his lips together, silently following behind the (still limping) angry girl.

"want me to.. carry you?" he nervously asked, cautiously beating around the awkward silence that encased them.

"why the hell did i just have to bail you out of jail?" she hissed, her head whipping towards the dual haired male who chuckled nervously. "is this why you sent rin back to my house?!"

"it's not my fault." ran mumbled. "i had a feeling-"

"so you still follow through?!" she scoffed, damn near tripping on nothing before catching herself.

"it's south, y/n. this man beat my ass while i was in prison and forced me to join this shit." ran scoffed. "if that wasn't the case, i wouldn't be in tandai. i'd keep my promise to you and maybe we'd be fucking happy."

they both stopped walking. looking at each other in wonder while y/n's heterochromic eyes met ran's purple ones.

silence stayed in place for a few minutes which felt like hours. the two thinking over ran's words. y/n just wanted to stay friends, ran would think.

"i- uh-" ran stuttered, realizing what he just said and trying to think of ways to cover that mistake up.

"i'm still mad at you but a little less mad now." she mumbled, huffing while she continued her walk home in front of the male who was tired of seeing her limp.

he rolled his eyes, picking the girl up and carrying her himself; even though she struggled and fought to be put down. she soon enough gave up and let the male carry her in silence back home.

meanwhile, rindou and kakucho sat silently on the couch with a space between the two. no words were spoken but the two knew what the other was thinking.

"she's bailing him out as i speak, huh?" rin sighed, leaning back in the chair and spreading his legs while he stared at the wall in front of him.

"unfortunately." kakucho mumbled to himself. "will your brother stop being an asshole?"

"will your sister stop being clueless?" rin shot back, the two going silent for a few seconds before the door opened.

"you should go to a hospital." ran sighed, hearing the girl whine before she was gently placed down on the second couch.

ran squeezed the girls scrapped knee softly to watch as she winced and scrunched her face up. it was covered in a bandage that had been placed on her knee and changed every day.

"take it off." ran mumbled, seriously looking at the girl whom shook her head.

"it's fine!" she waved off, getting ready to get off the couch.

"it's definitely infected, y/n." ran sighed, stopping the girl from standing when she tried to do so. "can you bring me new bandages?" he asked rindou who gave him a 'you're asking the wrong one' look.

ran rolled his eyes before looking at kakucho who gave him the same look. ran sighed impatiently before going to find the bandages himself while y/n rolled her eyes.

she got up from the couch she previously sat at and limped her way towards the kitchen.

"babes, i hate to say this, but i think brothers right." rindou sighed, watching the girl pour a glass of juice while she hummed.

"your brothers never right." y/n said, giving rindou a serious look while he nodded at her point. ran re-entered the room immediately looking at the girl who happily drank her juice in the kitchen before he let out another harsh sigh.

"why are you such a fuckin brat." he scoffed. "you can't even stay seated for three minutes."

"whyd it even take you three minutes to find bandages, they were right there." she shrugged, ran's patience running out while his jaw clenched.

"shut up."

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