09 --- again ☆ミ

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uh, slide, i can see the pain in your eyes

uh, slide, i can see the pain in your eyes

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ran asked the girl beside him who rolled her eyes with a smile that hadn't left her face since they left. she walked down the street, one hand in his while her other hand held her heels and flowers.

"definitely," she laughed, looking up at the sky. "you never fail to make the best dates."

"obviously." ran playfully scoffed, squeezing her hand playfully before pulling her along. "one more stop, and then i'll take you back home."

"alright?" she agreed, missing where he mumbled 'if you want' under his breath. the night had been long, yet short. memories on top of memories being made to remember forever while the two still caught up on life.

they went out for dinner before going to walk around an old park the two used to meet up at in high school. after stargazing and just talking about random topics, they headed on a walk which lead them to now.

"where are we going?" she asked, swinging their hands back and forth slightly while they walked.

"my house." ran smiled, looking at the girl who rolled her eyes. ran had planned this out in literally only 2 hours. he told rindou to not come home, just spend the night with kakucho or something.

because tonight was about her. and making her feel loved was number one on his list. he slowly opened the door to his house, letting her inside first to put her heels on the floor, putting her flowers on the side table in a vase that was always empty and stretch before waking in behind her; turning on the light and taking off his shoes.

"what're we doing here ran?" she mumbled, looking around the house to get familiar with it once more. she hadn't been there in a while.

nothing had changed, the same pictures of the wall. the same couch. the same pillow. it looked all the same.

"okay, c'mon." ran hummed, grabbing her shoulders behind her and rushing her up the stairs towards his room.

"wh-" she started, before stopping mid sentence at the fact ran probably wouldn't even answer her.

"take off your jacket," he stated, doing it for her because she wasn't moving fast enough. "okay get comfortable, we are having a... second date if you will."

"two dates? one night?" she raised an eyebrow, laying down on the males bed. just as she remembered. literally nothing had changed.

"yes, because i remember you always talked about simplicity. going on a dinner date was my idea because... " he trailed off. "and then you always stated how you want stargazing and at home movie dates." he ranted, hanging the coat in his closet before stripping of his suit.

"you remembered that shit?" she chuckled, watching as he changed into gray sweatpants and a wife beater.

"pfft, of course i remember. also, here." he hummed, throwing a duffel bag at her that held all her old clothes she'd left at his house for anytime she spent the night.

she chuckled, grabbing some pajama pants from the bag and a shirt to change into. ran respectfully left the room in order to pop some popcorn for the two to eat while she laid back down to pick a movie.

everything was still the same in his room as well. it was like nothing had moved from the place she hadn't been in, in forever. the pillows still smelled like his cologne, the pictures of him and rindou in their same spot, the dresser and television not moved an inch.

except something was missing.

polaroids of the two that used to be put on the wall beside his bed. she looked at the empty spot before ran walked back in.

"looking for the pictures?" he asked, walking over to his side dresser before opening the top drawer. "couldn't find it in me to throw them away." he shrugged.

she slowly went through all the photos while he joined along side her on the bed. simple yet small gestures he was making- that she wasn't even sure he realized, was definitely making her... emotional.

"are you fucking crying?!" he asked, looking at her in shock, "oh- don't cry!" he exclaimed, quickly giving the girl a hug before she chuckled at his immediate reaction.

"no i'm not crying," she huffed, wiping her eyes while the male let her go. she put the photos back, sniffling a little to which he made fun of while they got comfortable laying down together; his arm over her while she laid on his chest to listen to his soothing heartbeat.

she sighed, catching his attention before he looked at her in confusion.

"what's up?" he asked, looking at the girl before taping his fingers on her stomach lightly.

"yes." she hummed, smiling softly.

"what..." ran asked, confused as fuck.

"your question. you know, asking me out." she stated, "yeah. i'll be your girlfriend again."

ran was too happy to form words. absolutely no clue what to say, or how to speak anymore. he just smiled, softly caressing her side.

"say less, m'love."

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