17 --- m'love ☆ミ

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i can't even hear you through the speakers

i can't even hear you through the speakers

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mikey pushed. y/n chuckled lightly while cracking eggs to put into the batter. the two were baking together as a little activity. ran said he'd be coming over with rin later that day to 'taste test the cake.'

rin & y/n had gotten closer throughout the months. he'd always come over to watch movies or listen to her long rants about the book she's currently reading & he even enjoyed hanging out with mikey.

"what?" she asked, raised an eyebrow while she handed mikey the bowl to mix.

"you two still love each other, it's so obvious!" he chuckled softly, mixing the batter she had made while she rubbed her hands on her apron she wore.

"i don't know... i'm not sure. what if he's still somehow involved in gangs?" she frowned, thinking about all the blood, sweat, & tears that went into their relationship behind gang affiliations.

"i'm sure he's not! see, look at me! i'm not in a gang anymore!" mikey looked over at her while he poured the batter into a pan. his smile was bright and healthy; contagious even.

she rolled her eyes and grabbed the pans with a soft sigh before putting them in the oven to bake.

"okay, mikey..." she joked, grabbing the stuff they needed for the icing. a knock was heard at the door which made her hand everything over to mikey while she ran to open it.

there stood ran & rin, seemingly looking like they were just arguing. the two huffed, and refused to look at the other. their faces were flushed from the cold air as they were bundled up in big coats.

"come in!" she beamed, "what were you two arguing about?" she asked as they took off their shoes. ran shook his head softly, welcoming the warm air of her home and taking off his jacket while rin followed suit.

"ran's a pussy." rin scoffed, hugging the slightly shorter girl. rin had switched to contacts because his glasses always got in the way; it was something y/n wasn't really used too yet.

"when isn't he?" she chuckled softly, embracing the male back while ran rolled his eyes and shoved the male away in order to get his hug also.

"cake almost done?" ran asked, looking at mikey who was mixing the icing & putting it in a piping bag.

"we just put it in the oven." mikey hummed, glancing at rin & y/n who were talking about... friendship bracelets? he rolled his eyes at her childish behavior before looking back at rsn who was sitting at the counter. "you like her right?"

"like is an understatement." ran chuckled, sticking his finger in the left over icing to taste it. "pretty good icing."

"thanks i made it myself." he bragged, "now, why dont u ask my sister out?"

ran froze. he looked over at mikey with a sense of deja vu. it felt so weird hearing someone else call y/n their sister if it wasn't kakucho.

"what?" mikey asked, raising an eyebrow while he wiped his hands dry with a towel.

"nothing," ran shook his head, sighing while he looked at y/n who walked in the kitchen to wash her hands & take off her apron.

"whatcha talking about?" she asked, looking over at the two boys who waved her off. she rose an eyebrow before shaking her head. "i'll leave you two alone then."

she chuckled, rubbing mikey's back before entering the living room to watch the cheesy romance movie rin had to put on.

"it's the best christmas present for her, c'mon you're clean right? & you're not in gangs so there's little to no chance of you going to jail."

"i have a criminal record, mikey." ran drew imaginary shapes on the counter with the tip of his finger delicately.

"okay? i found a job, i'm sure you can too!" mikey beamed, tilting his head on his hand.

"who's gonna hire a murderer..." ran's purple irises moved from mikey's hopeful eyes to the girl who was commenting on the low budget acting with his brother. "you think she still loves me?"

"think?" mikey laughed, "you're all she talked about for months straight. she cried almost every night over your breakup. even though she looks so happy, it's all a front."

ran hummed, looking away from the giddy girl.

"you know it's true. just ask her." mikey whispered, leaving the kitchen and joining the two on the couch to watch the movie.

ran sighed, looking at the piping bag filled with pink icing before getting up as well & taking a seat beside y/n. she was wrapped up in the blanket he always loved. she created a small opening for him to be able to wrap up with her in the blanket; which he did with no hesitation.

mikey smiled softly when he saw the two but decided to not say anything.

after a while the cake was ready & decorated and the four ate together & enjoyed the time spent with one another.

rin & mikey conversed about about nerd things like their new favorite action manga. y/n smiled softly at both of their happy smiles & voices filled with excitement. she leaned over the counter while she ate her cake & ran stood beside her.

"cakes good." he mumbled, taking another bite.

"i know, mikey did so well with the icing!" she beamed, looking over at the male. ran hummed in agreement, nodding along to her statement while analyzing her pretty face.

"you're so pretty." he hummed, smiling before looking down at the strawberry he had on the top of his piece.

"why thank you." she chuckled, flustered from the compliment. silence grew over them while ran anxiously bite the inside of his lip before rolling his eyes and giving in.

"we have to talk about it, y/n." ran sighed. she stayed quiet; she didn't want to talk about it. "i know i've fucked up a lot, but i swear i've changed. & as for kakucho, i would've immediately saved him if i knew-"

"i'm sure, ran. you look so healthy now but i'm not sure if i can-" y/n was cut off. she really didn't want to talk about her dead brother nor their past relationship. even though she still loved ran with all her heart, things always never went her way.

"please. just one more chance." he mumbled quietly. he didn't want rin or mikey to hear his pathetic begging, even though neither was listening.

"i love you."

y/n sighed deeply, standing straight and looking over at ran. their eyes connected & the two fell in silence once more.

"okay." she mumbled, "one last chance. don't fuck it up ran haitani."

he chuckled softly, nodding.

"i put it on rin's life." he smiled. rindou's head whipped over to look at the two before he decided to ruin their happy moment.

"excuse me? what the hell are you putting on my life?!" he hissed, watching ran wave him off while mikey laughed at the twos better bickering.

"will you kiss me, love?" ran asked softly, looking at the shorter girl who was smiling.

"of course." she chuckled. he chuckled softly as well before their lips attached & they heard teasing gags & laughs from their siblings.

maybe things will go her way this time.

fin < 3.

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