12 --- distraction ☆ミ

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i'm so impatient, self medicated

i'm so impatient, self medicated

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y/n huffed quietly to herself while she read a book in her usual library. she had been trying to distract herself with anything she could to keep her mind off of the war going on.

she was anxious someone would end up in the hospital or in jail. or worse, dead. she did some shopping, some errands, cleaned the house, and ended up in the library.

she sighed, closing the book and putting it up on the shelf she found it at. she made her way out of the library before making her way back home. her heterochromic eyes scanned the crowd of people on the train while she sat quietly.

she wondered how kakucho was holding up. and the haitani's. she really wanted to know what was going on & how everything was. she was so into her own thoughts she didn't realize she was at her own house.

"oh." she mumbled quietly to herself, seeing the door already cracked open a bit. she carefully walked in, slowly getting her hand in her purse where a pocketknife resided.

she sighed of relief to see rindou snoring loud as fuck on one her couches and ran sitting on the other. she closed the door behind her, running up and hugging the male who was slightly surprised.

"oh, hey." ran smiled softly before kissing her cheek. his face was scoffed up and he had tiny scratches around his face.

"where's kakucho?" she asked at the realization she was sitting with two of the three males she wished luck.

"sleep in his room. he got the worse of us three, though." he mumbled, giving her a sympathetic look. "i'll shower, you go check on him."

she nodded quickly, allowing herself to get up from the couch and make her way to her brothers room. he was laying down on his back, looking up at the ceiling; he also had minor cuts and bruises on his face.

"how'd it go?" she softly asked, closing the door behind her and turning on the males light. she sat in his desk chair, looking over at the male who huffed.

"terrible. we got our ass beat by mikey." he sighed, "and south got killed."

"oh!" y/n stated at this fact, not knowing weather to mourn or be a tad bit happy. she'd always hear kakucho or one the haitani's rant and complain about how terrible south was, but still he was human after all. "no more gangs, at least?" she awkwardly chuckled.

kakucho chuckled along with her, a head shake seen in the lightened room. he sat up, looking at her with a childish frown.

"sissy! my arm hurts!" he whined, just like when he was a small three year old. "can you bandage me?"

y/n sighed, chuckling at the males childish actions before nodding and grabbing the first aid kit she had prepared under his bed. she sat beside the male on his bed, softly cleaning and wrapping his bruises and cuts.

"kiss it better?" he asked, watching her put everything away. she gave him a 'seriously?' look while he gave her pleaded eyes. "you used too when i was a kid!"

"because you were 9!" she chuckled, giving in to the puppy eyes by kissing the bandaged bruises lightly before kissing his head goodnight. "it's late, get some rest."

"sleep in here! please!" kakucho whined, looking at his older sister. "i'll probably have a nightmare anyway, might as well stay in here versus me coming to your room!"

she sighed again, nodding before telling him she'd be back. she walked into the living room, seeing only rindou still laying in a very awkward position on her couch. she chuckled, softly waking him up before he jumped in surprise.

"please go sleep in my bed, i'm begging you." she laughed. "you'd be so much more comfortable!"

"what about you?" the male trailed off, rubbing his eyes with his hands to wake up.

"sleeping in kakucho's room, he's being a big baby right now." y/n playfully rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

rindou took a few seconds to process the information he had just been told. he chuckled to himself before shaking his head and getting up.

"alright then." he chuckled. "where's my bitch of a brother?"

"showering. he can sleep in there too, don't be mean rin." she chuckled, pinching his cheek playfully while he sighed.

"such a mother." he mumbled.

"damn right, now get to bed."

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