07 --- kiss ☆ミ

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i let it fly with all your friends and get them all involved

i let it fly with all your friends and get them all involved

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y/n beamed, kissing kakucho's head while he rolled his eyes. they were on the way to a meeting per usual while y/n was going to run errands.

"you treat me like a kid." he mumbled, sighing before walking out the door. y/n brushed off the comment since she was in a good mood and gave rindou a hug before repeating the process of kissing his head and telling him to have a good day.

"thank you n/n." rindou laughed at the motherly antics she had before following behind his friend.

and last was ran. he stood idly by the door waiting for the other two to get out the way.

"have a good day, ran!" she beamed, before starting to reach for her coat.

"what? that's it? i don't get a kiss?" he hummed, bending down shortly to reach her level and pointing at his cheek. "just a short kiss, c'mon."

"i bailed you out of jail. that was your kiss." she rebutdtaled.

"yeah, two months ago." ran stated, aggravating the girl even more. y/n rolled her eyes, not seeing any harm in giving the male a kiss on the cheek.

when she did so, the dual haired male turned his face quickly so her lips didn't meet his cheek but his own. he smiled victoriously before patting her head.

"have a good day." he winked before leaving the door and making way down the street with his brother & friend.

"i can't believe this shit." she mumbled, watching the three males continue further to their destination.

the two boys teased ran, making kissy noises and all around being childish. ran rolled his eyes, a small smile stuck on his face as if he'd just won the best prize in the world.

"shut up." he chuckled, looking down at his feet before adding a small jump in his step.

"look at you being a simp and shit." kakucho teased. rindou punched ran's arm lightly, raising his eyes brows with a smile.

"i hate you both so much." ran mumbled, not being able to ignore the schoolboy type feeling that pumped in his chest.

"ask her out." rindou stated, pretending to cough to cover it up.

"yeah." kakucho mimicked. the three boys stopped looking up at the old arcade. sighing to themselves, they waited outside for a few minutes before ran spoke up.

"maybe i will." he stated before opening the door before either of the others could rebuttal.

the three made their way through everyone, getting spots in the crowd while south yelled directions at everyone per usual.

ran, rindou, and kakucho sat at a bench after the meeting. rindou played with a yo-yo he'd found in his pocket, while kakucho kicked rocks while he stood beside the bench.

"feels off." rindou mumbled.

"because my sisters not running down the street being chased, for once." kakucho sighed, relieved in a way.

"true!" rindou laughed. ran was uncharacteristically quiet, especially on the topic of y/n being already brought up. the two boys slowly looked over to see the older male biting the inside of his cheek seemingly in thought.

"what're you thinking about so hard?" kakucho asked, pausing his foot movement while ran shrugged.


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