04 --- quit ☆ミ

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i barely make it down the stairs without panic

i barely make it down the stairs without panic

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kakucho mumbled to the dual haired male. ran's purple eyes darted from the building across from him to the dual eyed male beside him.

"hm?" he hummed in confused, his interest peeked at what kakucho had to say.

"quit tandai." he stated more explicitly. his statement was firm, no question at all. an order.

"is this about your sister?" ran asked, blinking boredly at the male beside him who sighed.


"it is, isn't it?" ran chuckled bitterly. "she's completely, and utterly done with me."

"no she's not." kakucho sighed, sitting down beside the male on the bench. "trust me, i'm her brother.. i know how she works."

ran wouldve rebutdtaled; telling kakucho about all the times he knew what y/n was thinking before she knew herself. however, of course, he was caught off guard by the girl in question running down the street being followed by a guy with a bat.

"you always show up at the worst possible times!" ran scoffed, standing and putting on his white gloves.

y/n fell, scrapping her knee on the concrete before a wince fell from her mouth.

the male who was chasing her brought his bat up in the air before swinging it down. y/n braced for impact; covering her head before nothing happened.

ran had caught the bat in his hand, a sinister look resting upon his face. y/n knew that look anywhere of course. slowly getting up, she covered her ears while she ran to kakucho who held his arms out for her.

"how ironic, baseball's my favorite sport." ran chuckled, kicking the man's stomach which made him loosen his grip on the bat before falling down in shock.

a smirk made its way on ran's face; the sadistic look in his eye while he lightly hit his own shoulder with the bat.

he took a swing at the males face; a practice. hearing the crack of his skull made ran happier than he should've been. he kept swinging & swinging until the man's face was beaten in. he was covered in blood when he dropped the bat beside the corpse; walking away like nothing happened.

y/n shivered at the thought of the man's skull cracked open before shaking her head when she looked at ran.

"that was unnecessary!" she yelled, ran rolling his eyes before throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"i'll be back." he sighed to kakucho who nodded briefly.

"where are we going?" she asked, walking slowly along side the tall male who gave her a 'really?' look.

"home, i have a mission and you being outside is obviously dangerous... what did you even do to piss that guy off?" he scoffed.

she sweatdropped before laughing nervously and waving him off. the walk was pretty silent, just the two enjoying each other's company before she made it to her front door.

ran walked her up the stairs, making sure she was okay when she opened her front door before turning around to leave.

she caught his coat sleeve by instinct before her words caught in her throat. he hummed, turning around with an eyebrow raised before she cleared her throat.

"uh- why don't you- clean up!" she mumbled, nodding before open the door for him to walk in. "stay for a little, okay?"

"huh?" he blinked before shaking his head slightly to shake off the thought. "sure."

she smiled at the male who walked into the home, taking off his shoes before going into the closet beside the door and grabbing his blanket.

"movies, sweetheart?" he asked, beaming at the girl who nodded like a little kid in a candy store.

he had to get back to the mission, but it could wait until she fell asleep.

"obviously! i'll make the popcorn!"

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