08 --- date ☆ミ

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feel depression like you never felt it here at all

feel depression like you never felt it here at all

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y/n stated firmly, blinking at ran who's face slowly went baffled. she stood in her kitchen on one side of the island while he stood on the other, damn near confused as fuck.

"what?" he blinked after a few seconds.

"what? are you deaf? i said no." she chuckled as if it was literally nothing. as if she wasn't breaking his heart into a million pieces with every passing second.

"nah, i heard you.. i'm just having trouble processing why?" he huffed, ready for the girls explanation.

"all you did was ask me to be your girlfriend again. you never gave me reason why." she shrugged.

"motherf-" ran started, taking a deep breath. "okay, go on a date with me. a really fancy date. you dress up, i dress up, i take you out and then, if it's good enough, you become my girlfriend." he proposed, absolutely fed up.

"hm." she stated, putting her finger to her chin in fake thought before smiling. "sure."

"8 o'clock." he stated, looking at kakucho who walked in the house.

"what about 8 o'clock?" he asked, looking at the two.

"i'm taking your sister on a date." ran hummed. kakucho nodded in agreement before his brotherly instincts started to take play.

"have her back by 11." he stated quickly, before walking towards his room and coming back out a few minutes later. "i'm gone again, love you!"

"love you too!" she laughed, waiting for the door to close before looking at ran.

"he acts like your dad." he huffed, rolling your eyes. "just for that ima have you back at 11:01."

"yes, a minute difference." she laughed along with the male. "c'mon, it's... 5 let's watch-"

"oh it's 5? i gotta go." ran quickly stated, walking towards the door and putting on shoes. "be ready by 8. not 8:01, not 7:59. 8!"

"okay?" y/n laughed, while watching the male giddily leave the door to go.. do whatever he had to do.

as ran requested, y/n was ready by 8 exactly. she didn't know what color to wear or go with so she easily settled for the safest option- black. a black dress that was comfortable yet hugged her curves right.

she never liked heels, but for the night she assumed she'd deal with them since they went with the outfit. after applying the finishing touches on her makeup she walked towards the door; hearing the multiple doorbell rings that is.

"took you long eno-"

"you look good." she cut him off, turning off the light after grabbing her coat and wallet. she walked outside, closing the door behind her and locking it before looking at the male again.

"thank you, pretty." he hummed, handing her a bouquet of red roses. he was dressed in a simple black & white suit; his hair in the normal braids while he held his hand out for the girl to hold after taking the flowers.

"this is gonna be a long night." she muttered.

"that, it is!" he beamed,

"and you're gonna enjoy every second."

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