03 --- love ☆ミ

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i cant feel my legs yet i'm standing

i cant feel my legs yet i'm standing

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love." ran concluded, sitting criss-crossed with y/n in her bed. he looked over at her, trying to read her facial expressions that were damn near unreadable.

she sighed quietly to herself before giving the internally worrying male a small smile. she didn't understand his fascination with gangs or beating people up; but he never understood her fascination with reading so i guess it canceled out.

"you're a real idiot, ran." she chuckled, watching as her room door opened and a shaken up kakucho walked in.

once he saw ran, his eyes widened as he closed the door quickly.

"sorry." he mumbled, y/n tilting her head to the side in confusion before calling out to the male.

"c'mere." she hummed, watching her younger brother slowly walk into her room and sit beside her on the end. his head laid on her shoulder for a second before ran got the memo.

"oh, uh- i'm just gonna be in the living room. me and rindou should be leaving soon... so." he mumbled, awkwardly walking towards the door.

"oh hey, ran!" y/n called out when the boy touched the doorknob. "i'm glad we can be friends again!" she beamed.

ran's heart sunk at the word she used. friends. he wanted to be more than friends.

nonetheless he mirrored her smile, giving her a small chuckle in return before opening the door.

"me too, y/n."

y/n watched as the door closed before tending to her little brother. he always had on & off nightmares since the tenjiku accident. izana.

"i miss izana." he mumbled, moving to lay down on her bed while staring blankly up at the ceiling.

"me too, but things... happen." she shrugged, moving her gaze from her teary eyed brother to the photo on her nightstand of her and the white haired male.

she practically had to force the boy to take the picture with her; trying to get him away from his gangly duties as president.

"look at it this way, he's finally at peace. maybe he's smiling about something that doesn't have to deal with killing." she chuckled along with kakucho who nodded in agreement.

"can i sleep in here? i know ran was just- but, y'know yeah." he mumbled; the older girl almost having a stroke in order to understand what any of that meant.

"what?" she laughed, laying down next to her brother who groaned in frustration.

"nevermind." he mumbled, rolling his eyes. "friends though... really?" he stated after a few minutes.

"ugh! what're you on about now?! im going to kick you out, kakucho, i swear to god." she huffed, turning over to face away from him to go to sleep.

"ran is in fucking love with you and you just friend zoned the fuck out of him. and you literally LOVE him too?" he deadpanned, scoffing at the realization.

"i thought you came in here because you had a nightmare, not because you wanted to lecture me." she mumbled into her pillow while kakucho shrugged to himself.

"both," he hummed. "but, it took like- what, 4 months before the two of you could actually express that you both loved each other and that was taken down in two minutes."

"gangs, brother, gangs." she sighed, "i don't like you in them either you know. i don't want anyone else to end up like izana."

"you never had a problem with gangs before izana." kakucho mumbled.

"because you didn't get fucking shot before tenjiku! and izana was still alive! i don't want anyone else dying, or going to jail again." she hissed, getting up from her own bed and leaving the room with kakucho in his thoughts.

he looked over at the picture of when izana, y/n, and himself were small children playing around in the snow.

"maybe she's right, in a way."

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