Chapter Five

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Some of the students glanced around. One of them was brave enough to put up his hand.

"Uh... but now there are three Mr. Vargas?" he questioned. 

"Oh, right. Well, I'm the teacher, so I'm Mr. Vargas. Those two idiots- I MEAN-" he stuttered as the class started giggling. "You know what? Forget it." he mumbled. "Mr. Stupid and Mr. Idiot."

"HEY!!" Lovino cried out. "At least call me, I don't know, Mr. Tomato-Obsessed?"

"I was joking. But if you insist..."

Lovino spluttered. "How about Mr. Vargas the 1st?"

"Okay. So class, welcome Mr. Vargas the 1st, Mr. Vargas the Last and Mr. Kirkland. They're kinda like... extra teachers in a way. Anyway, last lesson we learnt..."

Andrew, Lovino and Feliciano took their spots at the back of the classroom; Feliciano on the right side, Lovino in the middle and Andrew on the left. 

Lovino was standing directly behind Leopold and Peter, staring at them like a hawk. Feliciano had a decent view of Wendy and Erland, while Andrew had a diagonal view of the two. Their job was to make sure they didn't disrupt the class.

Peter was fiddling with a piece of paper, doodling all over it, before he grew more bored and got out his ruler. He placed his rubber on the end and was about to fling it across the classroom, when a shadow appeared over him.

"What are you doing?" Lovino hissed. 

Peter glanced down at his rubber and the ruler. He looked back at him. "What does it look like to you?"

"Answer the question." he snarled.

"Fine. I'm going to slingshot the rubber across the classroom. Happy?" he mumbled.

"Not at all, give me your rubber and ruler." 

Peter chose to mutter some colourful words, before obliging and handing over the stationery. 

Lovino stored the stationery in his pocket and resumed staring at them. Peter quickly glanced over at Wendy and Erland, who were both not listening into the class.

Wendy had put her feet back on the desk again, and had found some spare gum in her pocket. She was chewing very loudly, and Romeo sighed and stared at her. "Put the gum away, Wendy."

"LOL, nope." 


She rolled her eyes and continued blowing the gum. Immediately, there was a tap on her shoulder, who she assumed was Erland and she mumbled under her breath; "F*ing stop, it's annoying."


She jerked her head up, her amber eyes meeting Feliciano's smiling face, even though the grin didn't reach his eyes.

"You need to listen to your teacher, young girl~" he whispered.

She scoffed, shuddering a bit. 'What a f*ing weirdo.' she thought.

"I'm not that much of a weirdo, thank you very much. Now spit out your gum and give the rest to me." he extended his hand.

Wendy gaped, staring at him. 'Mind readers don't exist!! Don't they?'

"Oh yeah, I'm not a mind reader, I can tell what your thinking from the look of your face. There's a difference. Now the GUM, Wendy."

Wendy stared at him a bit longer before spitting the gum into her hand and getting out the remainder, handing it to him. She turned to face forward. She didn't like the three of them, and she was going to annoy them too.

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