Chapter Eleven

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Look what I made instead of doing my assessments 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I mean, I'm proud of it, but my school work was meant to be priority... Oops?

Wendy told the fantastic news of her brother's crush to her friends at school. They reacted the way she liked. 

"Actually?!" Erland gasped.

"That's amazing!!" Peter yelled.

"Imagine if they got married... Mr. Vargas will be your brother-in-law." Leopold marvelled. 

The others looked to stare at him.

"Gee, thanks for the reminder. That's going to be soooo weird-" Wendy faked-gagged. 

"Wendy, be quiet." Romeo called from the front of the room.

She fell silent, shocking pretty much the entirety of the class. Where was the rude girl who would instantly talk back? Liesel and Marco glanced at each other. Was she starting to understand what manners was? Maybe it did mean that people could grow up.

Wendy tried to listen to what Romeo was saying, but she couldn't get Leopold's words out of her head. Romeo? Her teacher? As a brother? How horrendously gross-

Erland nudged her, sliding a piece of paper over to her. She picked it up and read it. 'We could have gay relatives together, ha!'

That's right. Wendy thought. Erland's parents were both men. If I can remember correctly, Tino and Berwald.

'Oh, that's true. How's your family like?' 

'I live with my cousin and his dads, Emil, Mathias and Lukas. Overall, I would say we are just a totally chaotic household. Though, definitely not as much as your family, hell nah.'

'I mean, we could compete.'

'I'd rather not.'

"Are you passing notes in my class?" Romeo glared. He walked over to them and extended his hand out.

Erland groaned and handed the note to their teacher. 

Liesel leaned in to Marco. "Did he just give in a paper?!" she hissed in shock.

"Liesel, this is individual work." 

The class snickered as the smartest person in the room was getting told off. 

Wendy ripped out another page from her book and doodled a picture of Andrew and Romeo with a heart around them. Lovino, who was standing directly behind her, leaned over and smiled. He patted her shoulder and gave her a thumbs up. This made her remember something, so she turned the page over and scribbled a little note.

'Andrew likes Romeo, confirmed!!'

Lovino gasped. This was great news! It was now confirmed! He struggled to stand still and not run over to Feliciano and tell him, but he had to, as an "extra teacher". 

As soon as it was recess, however, he rammed right into Feliciano. 

"Feli!" he hissed, grabbing his ear.

"Ouch! What did I do? I didn't even do anything wrong!!" he whined.

"Yeah, I know, but I want to tell you something." he rolled his eyes, as if that was obvious. 

"Then just say it. And let go of my ear." 

"Wendy just told me that Andrew likes Romeo!!"

"SERIOUSLY?!" Feliciano squealed, Lovino nodding super fast. But the younger Italian soon frowned. "Wait, then why was... Is that why Andrew is acting all weird?"

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