Chapter Ten

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It was another normal day for the children of MicroNations Primary School and Wendy and the gang were standing outside the school gates, waiting for school to start.

"So I have an important topic for you all." Leopold brought up out of the blue. "Actually, mostly just Wendy."

The three other kids all looked towards her, who felt herself shrink under their gaze. She could tell they had rehearsed this... or at least part of it. 

"What is it?" she asked, shifting her weight around. 

"We quit." Peter stuttered, crossing his arms.


"I said, we quit!! This entire... 'rebelling' business thing is too much. And frankly, we're tired of it." he added.


"I know it may be too much to handle-" Erland quickly said.

"No, no. I was rebelling because, well... it was fun, but mostly because I thought you guys liked it!!"

The four kids all stared at each other, confused. 

"It was fun until we got the 'extra teachers' involved." Erland offered. "Then it didn't seem as fun."

"Uh... same!!" Wendy agreed. 

"Well, this is definitely awkward." Leopold said, biting his lip. 

"Let me get straight. So you were rebelling because you thought we liked rebelling... and we were rebelling because we thought you did? So did any of us like it after the 'extra teachers' got involved?" Erland questioned.

The other three shook their heads. 

"So... we were all kinda rebelling for no reason, then?" Erland concluded.

"I mean for me... when I decided to negotiate with Lovino, that's when I realised I couldn't be arsed about to rebel any longer." Wendy confirmed. 

"What are we going to do? Just stop? What will the class think? That we just had a sudden change of heart? Even though, that's what happened?" Leopold said.

"Maybe... we could just pretend that we are slowly become better students. Not like super quickly as it'll confuse everyone, right?" Peter suggested.

"True." Wendy nodded. "Anyway, I'm glad that's sorted. Because that was... honestly funny in my opinion." she stated, cracking up. 

They all heard the school bell rang and they all ran inside the building. 

Romeo rubbed his eyes. It was Monday morning and he really didn't want to deal with the usual four... He collected his notes for the lesson and walked through the classroom doors. 

He waited for the kids to get themselves ready for the class before he cleared his throat. "Good morning, today we're continuing our work on 'The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain'." He glanced over at Wendy, who let out a quiet groan. "You're going to go back into your groups and work on your projects. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask me for help."

He watched the class split into their groups and start discussing their presentations that were due at the end of the week. He walked over to his chair and sat down. 

Andrew and his brothers approached him, and stood next to him.

"Hey guys." Romeo yawned. "You good?"

"Yeah, obviously. I was going to ask you that, though. You had, like, no sleep last night." Lovino threw his arms in the air.

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