Chapter Seven

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Lovino Vargas pretended to sleep, listening out for the even breaths of his brothers. As soon as he was certain that they were sleeping, he pulled out a torch and the diary and started writing in it.

Dear diary,

He started, before snorting, it sounded stupid. He crossed it out, writing something else instead.

(17th March) Hey Romeo, 

That's better.

So guess what. Today, I decided to spy on you and Andrew. You're an idiot, you know that right. Right?  You seriously, like totally, smitten. Don't even try to convince me otherwise. And so was Andrew. Only an idiot like you would take forever to notice. Michelle told me how he practically flirted with you. IF YOU STILL THINK HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU, YOU'RE DUMB. And stop making excuses, face the facts. 

- Lovino

Then the oldest brother smiled contently and went to sleep. 

The next day was a Monday, so the three adults went off to MicroNations Primary School. Andrew wasn't there yet, not that was surprising or anything and Feliciano and Lovino were watching Romeo finalise his plans for the class today. 

"Ew, you have to teach maths?" Lovino snorted. "That sucks like heck."

Romeo sighed, pinching his forehead. "Look, if you're not going to be much help, leave me to do this-"

"Look, it's Andrew!!" Feliciano cried, Romeo jerking his head to the direction. Lovino noticed his reaction and his finger twitched to the direction of the princess diary. 

Andrew hopped towards them, somehow turning way too early and hitting his forehead on the wall.

"You idiot, how do you do that?" 

He laughed and sat down next to the Vargas brothers. "So, apparently Parent's Day is next week?" he asked, looking at the three.

"Well obviously. We've known for weeks." Romeo goggled at him. "Have you been living under a rock your whole life?"

"It's not my fault Wendy hid the note in her bag and we only found it yesterday." he huffed. 

"You've got to proud of your sister, though. She's a genius." Lovino whistled, earning a glare from the other three men around him.

"What? You've got to admit it-"

Romeo rolled his eyes and continued scratching his pencil on the paper, fixing the lessons for the day while the other three were chatting, even distracting the other teachers.

"Today, we're practising adding and subtracting fractions." Romeo announced, much to the disappointment of his class. Well, all except that one random kid. (You know... that one.) 

He grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote on the board, 3/5 + 6/7.

"Does anyone remember what to do?" he asked around, ignoring that kid. 

No one answered him, as no one did the homework and they were all secretly praying that that kid wouldn't remind Mr. Vargas, even though he already did.

Romeo scanned the room one more time, before sighing and pointing at that kid. 

"You must find a common denominator!" she shouted, almost jumping out of her chair. 

"Yes, thank you Leisel. And how do you do that?" he addressed the rest of the class, glaring at the rest of them, watching them look everywhere but the front of the classroom.

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