Chapter Sixteen

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It was Thursday afternoon, and the end of the day was near. Romeo stood at the front of the classroom and could hear his brothers' voices in his head telling him it was now or never. He sighed. Geez, they were a horrible influence.

Yet he was going to follow their advice.

He waited outside the school with Wendy ('his to-be sister-in-law', he thought randomly) for Andrew to hurry and pick them up.

"So..." he whistled, trying to start a conversation, before realising that it would be totally awkward for her as they were still in school.

"When are you going to tell Andrew?" she said bluntly, making the grown man splutter. 

"Wh- What are you talking abo-"

He took a better look at her face and saw that he wasn't fooling her, she obviously already knew. 

"Hoping to tell him on Saturday..." he mumbled. 

"Good." she stated. "It's getting very annoying to listen to him say stupid things like; 'But are you sure Romeo likes me? I don't think so.'. Like bro, it's so... like shut up!"

Before Romeo could response, they spotted Andrew's car driving into the carpark.

"FINALLY!" Wendy shouted, jumping up, swinging her bag onto her back. "Hurry up, Teach!" she called over her shoulder.

He smiled and stood up, following her to the car. 

"Afternoon, Andrew." he greeted as he took the passenger seat. 

"Hello, Wen's teacher!" Jett butt in before his brother could say anything.

"It's Mr. Vargas. Or Romeo. You don't need to call me Wen's teacher each time."

He shrugged in his seat. "It's unique."

"And don't call me Wen! That's disgusting!" she retorted.

Jett ignored her.

As the two argued in the backrow, Romeo cleared his throat and turned to Andrew.

"Hey, are you free on Saturday?" he asked, feeling heat rise on his cheeks.

"Huhh?" Andrew looked at him sideways, the two kids falling silent wanting to listen into their conversation but the adults were oblivious.

"You know, on Saturday. I'm going to the London Eye area, and I wanted to know if you were free if you wanted to come."

"I'd love too!" Andrew smiled. "I'm pretty sure I'm free, aren't I?" he spoke to his younger siblings.

"Why on earth would we know your routine?!" Jett squealed. 

"You were listening?!" Romeo cried out.

"Obviously!!" Wendy leaned in, nodding furiously.

"That's not very nice of you!"

"You should be used to that by now." Andrew shrugged.

"But still!"

The siblings burst into laughter, leaving the Italian speechless. Wendy, who didn't seem to care about the fact they were teacher-student, leaned further and whispered in his ear; "You'll have to be used to this, you'll be legally related to us soon, after all."

His blush deepened.

"Good! You've asked him!" Lovino cheered, clapping his younger his brother at the back of his head.

Feliciano let out a whistle. "You go! I thought you were going to back out of it!"

"I was definitely thinking of it. But Wendy-"

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