1:My R

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3rd p.o.v~

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Mutilverse found

As everyone seat where they was everyone stay still waiting for the title.
"Hey guys before you watch this I need you to know some of this stuff might be true but it's in the past please do not judge and some is not if you need the panic room please say ," The girl said before looking up to the screen but then she remember something.

"Umm well now Ms. Midoriya can I call you Aunty Inko, it's kinda a habit that I did not break yet but I understand if you dont want but if I call you or any adult by it by mistake please do get mad at me I do it out of respect and sometimes peple who seem to be family to me." The girl say and she continued to ramble until she felt herself being hug.

"Dont worry about it honey I sure they won't mind," Inko say as she did out of habit since she do everytime she know when her son is feeling down.

"Then Aunty can you take both Kota and Eri to the panic room?" Trixx asked before telling her threw telepathic that it well sad which cause her to nod which cause me to snap my fingers together.

"Okay now please prepare yourselves it's a sad one which in this one Aunty Inko died and he was well a bit distance." I said as I turn it on the screen

It show Deku as he was walking to the school roof and about to take off his shoes.

Just as I was about to take my shoes

Off of the rooftop there I see
A girl with braided hair there before me
Despite myself I go and scream;

Don't do it, please" Deku scream and the girl turn around to face Deku.


Ochaka/Uraraka" Everyone shouted turning to look at the girl.

"Ochaka have you ever felt like doing it?" Ilda asked looking as his friend.
The girl shook her head while avoid looking into her class or teacher eyes.

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
To be honest I was somewhat pissed;

"Hey wait that doesn't seem like Midoriya," Tsu said.

"Wait what do you mean," Toga asked looking at everyone.

"What I mean is Midoriya is one of those guy who cares about even if he sees a villan or you crying he will try to make you better or even close to happy," Krishma said which cause the villan seem to be shock.
This was an opportunity missed

"Wait dont tell me he wants to commit suicide," Denki said looking st the screen.

The girl with braided hair told me her woes

You've probably heard it all before;
I really thought that he may be the one
But then he told me he was done" A flash shows Ochaka dating someone before he telling her he was done.

"Ochaka if any boy do that to you just tell us we will deal with," Mina said and all the girls agree.

"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me
Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?
You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!" He says as a flash when he went to visit his mom for their day off but he had come home to his mother in a pool of her own blood.

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