5:Side story pt.2

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Okay guys I'm continuing from a the last chapter again I hope you like it.


"Can you tell us a story?" One of the kids asked.

"Which story?" She asked.

"That one and how about we go and see him right after the story," One of the kid asked Trixx and she nod which cause all the children to cheer.

"She seem to be very good with kids," Nezu thought as he took out a notebook to write some notes which Shoto saw and now had a new theory.

"Okay.. It happen on dark day where a girl who was fighting along with her friends, She was not only fighting for her life she was fighting for her friends and to stop something that will bring her homeland into chaos,Secretly the girl left her friends as they continued to fight as she know that they could handle this and she had a different mission to make sure everyone stay safe, She went into the room set up the laptop that was holding a secret code which was controlling a weapon, she carefully hook up herself to everything even though the pain she was feeling was hurting her she still pull threw."

"Is it me are this story very.......

"REALISTIC!!!," Everyone said cutting off Awase.

"Now after she hit the bottom her body sent a whole energy source which shock the building a bit. Which was the same time her friends defeated the enemy and when they felt the shock they know what happen so they race to find her. The first to find her was a a friend who was very close and when saw be was going take the last shot in he run forward and take some energy with her which risk his life but save her's, He went into to deep sleep he'll wake when he fully rested." She said getting up.

"Can we see him now?" One of the kids asked.

"Yeah follow me,"She answer which cause the kids and the to follow him to a different room was a hospital VIP room this time.

"Okay guys you must very quiet, he's sleeping," Trixx said which cause all the kids to follow into the room with a finger to their. When the kids saw him sleeping they quickly bow before leaving to go meet their parents. Now all was left was the boy and Trixx in the room.


"Did you really had to trick me like that Luka,"Trixx asked cutting him off.

"Ivy you know that you can't keep telling that story...

"Uum I need to go?"

"You have to tell....

"La...la...la Sorry I cant hear you,"



"No Luka," You could see Trixx walking away but you could not miss the tears in the eye.

"HE'S IN A COMA," He shouted at her crying to. When he grab her hand but she she snatch away.

"I know.. I know.. I know," She scream back as she turn around and her fox ears was now showing.


"No if I did not bump into you guys that day, Or was not so damn naive as a kid. I would have never

"No I

"If I did not not escape that night I probably wouldn't got him involve he took the shock with me knowing he might be not make,"


"IT MINE STORY TO YOU KNOW," She shouted at him before jumping out the window and running away. Taking a few left and right incase someone was following her. She got on her bike before zooming off.

"I think this is part of the something more to this," Aizawa said something but just as someone was going ask a question Trixx appear in the theatre room.

"I'm sorry you guys saw that I forgot to cut if off but you guys want to still ask questions. Please ask away?"

"What was your childhood experience like, and how did it leave you feeling." Hound dog asked.

"Well my childhood made me stronger and a bit vulnerable but it made me feel like a mistake," She answer truthfully.

"What was it like,"

"Well being experimented on make you feel like like a broken doll I guess."

Trixx then explained only a part of the story to them and everyone sat in shock as she just explain some of her pass to them that she went threw.

"That not right," Momo said with tears in her eyes.

"Trixx may I ask how do you still protect people and not become like a villain." Aizawa asked.

"Well I don't want what anyone go threw what I felt, so matter who are what you are animal or villain everyone is innocent and do not deserve to go threw what I did." Trixx said suddenly she was cut off by someone arms wrapped around them.

"You don't have to fake it Trixx, you just be you," Izuku said.

"Yes dear no one deserves that so you should stop pretending that your okay," Recovery said as both her and Inko hug her.

"Thank you Grandma," Trixx said with a genuine smile this time.

"Okay, lets do some Meme," She said causing the caring ladies to pull away.

"YES," The students said which made the girl smile before turning back on the screen.

Well that's all for now I hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry it was short this time I'll try to make it longer next time well until next time........

Okay guys until next
Let's pounce

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