3:Deku in a bad mood

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In my last one I realized I did not give credit to artist who had design the fanart and I will like to apologise for doing and I will give credit from so on but again I deeply apologise.

Now let's continue.

"Well guys sorry from the wait and I found a good one depends on how you look at it," Trixx said giving them a smirk and the crowd were at the edge of their seats anxious for the screen to show the next one.

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Deku in a bad mood.

"For some reason I would like to see this happening I mean like serious can you imagine him vex?" Sero asked thinking about how bad would it to be if Deku was vex.

"It's not a very pleasant site," Ilda said remembering a unpleasant memory as shudder a bit.

"How bad could it be he's not one to get angry he's like an actual cinnamon bun," Mina said.

"Not's when he's angry," Bakugo said remembering that one time in middle school.

It was a normal day in the common room when all of a sudden Bakugo stop talking mid way as he felt it . It was not completely there yet but he sense it before it came and to save his life he went under the table and wrap up in his sheet to feel protected but his friends find it very amusing.

"O.m.g Bakubro what did you felt that you had to hide under a table?" Denki said trying to hold back his laugh.

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN S***TY EXTRA AND YOU FIND OUT" He said but his mother whack him

"Dont curse your classmate Brat and there kids," his mother said.

"Dont hit me you old Hag," He answered.

"Bakugo why are you hiding under a table,"Sero asked being the first trying to kill his curiosity.

"Its for safety and if you guys where smart you'll do the same," He said but he start to whisper as he felt it closer.

Suddenly the door was slam open right before Monoma can say anything and in walk Izuku at first you could not see his face as walk into the kitchen the only person saw his face was Denki and when he suddenly went under the table to hide with Bakugo.

"O.m.g you the great Bakugo and the idiot of class 1a are afraid of Class 1a cinnamon roll." Monoma say laughing but it was all short live when Izuku walk back in .

"Sorry but I find this to funny to believe too," Dabi said.

"I keep forgetting you guys are here too," Aizawa said which cause to nod.

"Uum excuse I think it should best if the kids dont see this part and Mineta," Trixx said suddenly stopping the scene when Izuku was about to lift his face.

"I can understand if it got in cursing, the kid see a scary Deku or a certain part but why don't you want him see this." Bakugo said calmly as he pointed a grape headed boy while he surprise everyone but they had to agree.

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