12: White day Speial (Valentine special pt 2)

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"I'm glad you asked,Let me show you," The host said smirking as she took out the remote before the screen came to life again.

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White Day
(Valentine Special pt2)

It's been a bit weird after all the boys were getting on strange epically Izuku anything one of the girls would approach he would walk away or how if the boys were talking when the girl would come they would change the conversation completely before apologizing before they leave or how if any of the boys would be talking to them Izuku would be asked them to. talk and they leave to go to talk to him privately before coming back as an act as if nothing would happen besides how Izuku and Bakugo were always talking now together was making them overthink everything.
~The day before white day~
'In the Momo room'

All the girls were sitting on Momo's bed sulking while just staring at the bed.

"So it's happening to you guys too?" Momo asked with a frown.

"Yeah, Ilda even doesn't give many instructions no more," Mina said hugging a teddy that Momo had just recently made for her.

"And even the quiet ones just squeak and disappeared," Okocha explain frowning.

"I know, it makes me not even care about tomorrow's events," Toru said as she lay her head in Mina's lap.

"This is probably one year I'm going to hate White day," Momo said frowning even more.

"Normally I don't enjoy the white day but now I'm sure this is definitely the worst one I ever experienced," Tsu said with tears rolling down her face now remembering how she was bullied in the past. Just then there was a knock on the door which Momo muttered a quick come in and in entering Kirishima.

"Aizawa said don't forget about curfew. There is some big event that plans for tomorrow and you aren't allowed to miss it," Kiri said avoiding the girl's eyes.

" Thanks, Kiri," Mina said trying to fake a smile but a few tears happen to escape her eyes.

"No prob," He said leaving without another word.

"See he won't even look at me, none of my squad will," Mina said about to cry.

"Shinso and Denki been a lot busy that they really got time to practice no more," Jiro said still holding up her facade but after she remember what happen the tears started to slip and they dare did not stop.

"Yeah even Ilda don't lecture us, and Todo won't say anything as he has gone back quiet like he use to," Ochaka said wiping her tears.

"While Modoriya just stays quiet he doesn't even mumble kero," Tsu says trying to hold back her tear which made something in Momo snap.

"Look we throw tough and thin together we can do this, Can we not?" Momo asked which cause a few yeah to go around. So after they got them own selves together they all say goodbye to each other. As they all went to their room they all had one thought in common.

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