13: Father's Day Special

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Trixx's p.o.v~

After I left a few people in the gym and the rest who wanted to follow the kitchen surprisedly it was only a few teachers who follow me into the kitchen. I then start prepping the ingredients I need for a few pastries. After I finish all the things I needed to be done I put the pastries that needed to be put into the fridge in the fridge and the ones that needed to be in the oven in the oven which only took me half an hour instead of an hour since I use my quirk to manipulate the energy in the room but I did not let them see since I did not want them to answer any questions about my quirk.

"Trixx, that was so skillful but I wanted to ask a few questions if that's okay," Nezu asked sipping the tea I give him before I had to start anything.

"It depends on the question but only one question per break also have you found out anything about my identity yet," I asked putting the rice in the pot before covering it so it can simmer which gives me a break to deal with the chicken breast and thighs.

"Well, not really but I wanted to know if you are part of our world," He asked to question me which confuse the other teacher I smile at the chimera as he figure out but he did not use a  trick question so what is he up too.

"Yes Nezu I'm part of your world  you can pin the accident that happen 10 years ago with the missing girl who went missing just as they were going to figure out her quirk year apart from her twin, but then again a few other children who had a twin watch as someone take away their other twin so you just pin any family on me after it could be any country or city I am from" I said giving a tablet that had Wi-Fi on it as I joining his little game which made the few teachers stare at me but I just ignores them as I  takes the chicken out of the marinate before I put them in the pot as she starts adding in different spices. It's a good thing I let it marinate yesterday because if I didn't it would take a bit longer even if I use my quirk.

"Aunty Inko can you add a bit but after taking out the parsley then add it in the mix of chives and onions after adding the butter, and Aunty Mitsuki can you check on the pastries in the oven and if they need a couple more minutes then you check the taste of the white chocolate and the milk chocolate and tell me which one better," I asked tasting a bit of the curry which taste the way I hoping for so I pour it into the bento boxes. 

"They both taste great I could not decide," She said and I smile cause she give me an idea.

~30 mins later~

"Let's go, Everything will be served after the video," I said finally putting everything up in its rightful place," I said walking back with the adult following behind me.

~In the theatre where everyone was settled ~

"Okay everyone the next video," I answer choosing one randomly.

Multiverse loading....'

Multiverse loading...

Multiverse found.

Your like the Father I never had

"Oh no I should have chose the next one," I mutter under my breath but there's nothing I can not do now they saw it. not knowing what to say I can not do anything after all they saw it already.

3rd p.o.v~

Oh no I should have chose the next one," The host mutter to herself which she let out a sign before letting it played. She then look at the audience before giving them a smile of sympathy as it was directly at Izuku.

"This one is another one with Bakugo showing brotherly love but it will be kind of sad and happy." She said giving a look with sympathy before going back to her seat.

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