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Hi guys I'm finally back after a while I'm sorry that I took so long to update in a bit. Life been so crazy with all the drama going on and crazy thing schedule barely could. I promise I will try and update as often as I can. Also I wanted to apologize about getting you these special to you very late and I hope you enjoy. Let's go

3rd p.o.v

"Time for a break, please use this time to do anything you need like use the bathroom or stretch your legs or use your phone but please do not record something that might mess with the timelines any questions," The host say.

"Can you tell us of your family," Aizawa asked.


~Trixx's p.o.v~

"Can you tell us of your family," Aizawa asked.

"Sure," I said which cause everyone to come closer so they can listen. After they all got comfortable I start a bit of my story.

"My family is one of the most overprotective, sweet bunch you'll probably ever meet. First there's my mom who went threw a lot just save me, along with my father who is like the overprotective father he is but he went threw tooth and nail just to justify the program tha10:t kidnap me which is another story for another time and last but not least my five brothers. I'm the youngest out all of them which make them very protective especially since I've been kidnap it was even hard for my some of my friends to hang out with me," I said smiling as I remember the memories with my family.

"Oh can you tell us what your relationship with your family is like?" Nezu asked.

"Well I do have a very strong relationship with my brothers especially my twin, I would never forgot the time Luka borrow me," The host said with a smile.

"What about your parents," Momo asked.

"At first I didn't understand what they were doing and the risk they take but after a while I understand and now I will why do they do it. At first they were extremely distance hit now I would not change it for the world." She said with a smile.

"I don't have much memories of my whole life because they are block for a while but I remember reuniting with my mom. I was having a panic attack and my quirk was going berserk and everyone had to stay back but my mom she ran in and hold me tight which made calm cause in that moment in a long time was when I felt both the warm and love. My mother ran threw my room not knowing what I could have done and stop me from making chaos, so that day my mom save me but from I felt like a monster," Trixx said looking down.

"A monster?" Dabi asked and that when the host felt a warm embrace and she look down to see Eri looking down at her.

"Yeah that was until my father proven to me that I was not a monster because of my power. I will never forgot that day something was wrong with my twin and I was the only person who could save him but I was scared so my father told me "That today was the day I can prove that I'm not a monster and I can save someone instead of hurting someone that I am my own person and not a monster or a doll" and that day was when I become one with my quirk," I said looking down but I know they were all staring at me but I could not bring my self to look in their eyes because I know I would break and I do not want to have a panic attack.

"Trixx I want you know to that is okay cry okay, locking away your emotions are not good, you have every right to be upset it amaze of how strong and brave you are," Inko said as i felt the Eri let me go and Inko was now hugging me.


"She right Trixx you should let it out," Hound dog said cutting me off.

"Sorry this was supposed to be  a break not a depressing...

"Nonsense you are only human, you really need to stop holding yourself responsible it's not your we asked you ," Aizawa said patting the host head.

"Is that all?" The hosted asked before wiping her tears away before standing

"Okay what are the pills for they don't look like normal pills," Recovery girl asked which made the girl froze.

"It a suppressor and I don't like to talk much of it, " She looking down avoiding everyone eyes not wanting to anyone to see her eyes becoming teary.

"Anyway enough on me, I believe it's time  for another multiverse, let's see what the next one us," The host said before getting up to get her seat and grab her phone before anyone can said anything else.

"I hope you guys are ready for a bit of love," She said with a mischievous smirk.

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