Chapter 14: Descendants

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Hello welcome back, I know have been updating in a while but I had go threw a bunch us test and since anything past a 60 (or was it 70) is fail for my teacher I really push hard to make sure I did not fail, so I was quite busy. Any way I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Plus shout out to Hospitalized_Enby Pink_crystal_dracron and Chimera_Regarion for helping me with this idea along. Thank alot I would not be able to finish this without you guys.

BTW remember that although the idea is base off Descendants is not completely like it okay.

As Trixx left to get the the food or everyone went to their little group. The bakusquad, the dekusquad (includes Shinsō), the big three, class 1b, the parents, and the pro heroes were in group talking to Principal Nezu.

"So what did you found out?"Aizawa was the first to asked.

"Well I check up the world registration, along with the other AU and the name she give and the story she has those not add up." Nezu said typing very quickly on the laptop he was using on.

"What do you mean?" All might asked as trying to peep at laptop as Nezu work.

"She give us two different stories, which I think it might be a drawback from her quirk its because from the way she speaking I don't think she doesnt know she was making it up when she give those stories she look she believes them more than anything" Nezu said typing in something else into the the tablet which started to smile only for the device to make a noise and he sign.

"Wait did you say it was something to do with a quirk and this may be her draw back," All might asked which made the staff of UA look at him as if he said something very stupid.

"Are you deaf, I might....

"Wait are you suggesting that?" Aizawa said cutting of Vlad King.

"Yes if this because of quirk draw back we can always ask him, you know how he like to analyze quirks," All might said.

"So he can actually give good ideas to?" A voice call from behind them which made all the staff and other who heard him turn to see who the voice came from.

"Who are you?" Nezu asked moving the laptop from off his lap.

"You will know later and why am I am here is check on Trixx to make sure she did not had a panic attack and to see if she was sleeping well, but from the looks of it she seems alright," He said looking around the room as everyone attention was on him. After spotting a certain boy with peppermint hair (do I need to drop another hint) he shot him a wink making the person turn away instantly to hide blushing face but was wondering why he felt so familiar.

"I will not give you any more information for now but until then do not do anything stupid that will cause her to panic because people who sho up will not take excuses if she get hurts," The guy say mainly looking at the Pros.

"I will not do anything that will cause my students life to be endangered," Nezu said with a politician smile which again send a shiver down people back.

"Then okay, I have to go I can feel her presence coming I don't want her to know I was here," The person said which made people look back go where their host exist and when she enter with the food everyone look back to see if the person who was there was now gone.

"Is something the matter?" Trixx asked as she take up all the trays with some sort of energy before placing them to rightful place.

"Nothing," Nezu said before accepting a tray but did not fail to see that she was wearing the same attire that she had greet them with but it was a different colour.

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