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Forgotten Daughter series


Thomas came to be because I had the random thought: what if a son of Hephaestus lost his leg and had to replace it with a mechanical one. And so, Thomas was born.

He was originally kind of a throw-away character, but I just loved writing him too much not to include him in more of the story and now he's just... 😍😍😍😍 He's my little cinnamon roll.🥺

Not only do I love the concept of his character, I love his personality. He's so chaotic and ADHD and... he's pretty similar to Leo in some ways. That being said, I really liked writing the interaction between him and Leo. They're such nerdy dorks. 😂🥰

I don't remember why I decided to make Thomas and Aubrey a ship, but I have no regrets!! 🥺🥺🥺 Thobrey is the cutest ship I have ever created. 🥰🥰🥰 It's such an innocent, almost child-like, relationship. 🥺🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love them so much!!!

My favorite part with Thomas is definitely him and Leo building the Argo II. I LOVE them interacting and the moment, when Aubrey brings them lunch and Thomas steals a kiss. 🥺 It's so adorable. Also, Leo and Thomas being nerdy brothers. It's too good. 😂

My favorite part to write was probably he and Aubrey sitting at the edge of the dock in "Back on the Beach". It's so adorable and shows how much they love each other without a bunch of flowery words. ☺️

I just love Thomas SO much, I don't have the word to express my feelings.

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