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Forgotten Daughter series

I created Aubrey on the fly to be Ali's one friend while she was with Kronos. She grew into a much more prevalent character, got a redemption arc and a boyfriend. 😊

I don't really explain her backstory or why she's with Kronos, but it has something to do with being kind of forgotten by her dad.

Anyway, I love that she's technically the "bad guy", but she's still a good person and that side of her eventually wins out. It was such a fun concept to write - kind of a morally grey character. She's a sassy queen and I live for it. 😂 Her bravery in standing up to Kronos is reckless and amazing and shows that she cares more about her friends than her revenge. I like that she has a unique look compared to the other blonde children of Apollo. (🤷‍♀️She takes after her mom.)

Okay... now we're going to get into a rant about Thobrey.... Just a fair warning... I'll literally be fangirling the whole time because I love them so much. Like OTP level. 😅 So... here we go.

THEY'RE SO FRICKIN' CUTE!!!!!!!!! From the moment they met in Manhattan, I knew they would be a thing. Thomas is such a sweet bean and Aubrey can be a little childish around him. Like when they almost shoved each other into the lake. 🥺 Thomas is such a great character by himself, but put them together and they're one of my favorite ships. 😍 My favorite scene with these two is definitely when Aubrey brings Thomas and Leo lunch while they're working on the Argo II and Thomas steals a greasy kiss. 🥺😍🥰 They're just too. Frickin'. Perfect!!!!! They have a great dynamic and amazing chemistry and THIS SHIP WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!

My favorite part with her is probably when she betrays Kronos to protect Ali. She chose friendship over revenge and convinced the twins to do the same and I love it!!!! Her good side wins out and she brings in Owen. MY BOY!!!!!!

My favorite part to write would have to be her meeting Thomas for the first time, when she treats his leg. Just.. the instant chemistry and the birth of their ship. 🥰 I also love their little conversation and how Aubrey listens so intently while Thomas nerds out about making a replacement leg. He's also one of the first Camp Half Blood people that she meets and he's so accepting of her. 😍 I love them SO much!!

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