Chapter 4

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When we arrived at the flat Iggy had fallen asleep. The drive was slow as the traffic had peaked; everyone was heading out on to the town for Saturday night. I shook her gently and whispered in her ear to wake her up, hoping that she wouldn’t jerk awake because I knew she’d be sore. “Iggy wake up we’re here.” I whisper as Zayn jumps out of the car and opens the door for her.

Her eyes pop open and she looks at me with a worried look, she’s biting her lip. “What if they don’t like me?” She blinked at me and I had to chuckle, she’s so cute. I shook my head.

“I hit you with my car I think you’re wonderful, they will love you.” I told her with a soft smile. I reached up and moved a piece of hair out of her face and climbed out of the car so she could slide over and I’d help her out. I held out my hand and she looked at it curiously. Maybe that’s a little too much for her.

“Thank you for letting me stay Louis,”

“My pleasure, I couldn’t let you go back and live with Thom.” I tell her as she takes my hand anyway and I help her out of the car slowly being careful not to hurt her ribs. I went to let go of her hand but she held on to it tightly as we walked up the drive and in to the flat.

The lads were on the sofa waiting patiently for us to come inside, it looked like Zayn had given Harry a warning because he was pouting and Zayn was sitting next to him and Liam was on the other side and Danielle was next to him. “Hello!” Liam said first as he stood up followed by Danielle. “I’m Liam.” He says.

“Hi,” Imogen smiles at him but I can tell that she’s not interested, she’s tired and sore. Niall is next and he’s a hugger but she has bruised ribs so I shove my hand in his chest and shake my head.

“Why not?” He whines.

“She has bruised ribs,” I tell him.

“Whose fault is that?” He mutters with a pout. Imogen and Zayn chuckle and I glare at him.

“No one’s fault. You can hug her when she’s better.” I say stiffly.

“I’m sorry I’m really tired do you mind I go to sleep?” She says softly. I nod and tug on her hand leading her upstairs. “Louis will you stay with me?” She asks when we get to the bedroom. Zayn made up the bed for her and Danielle laid out some clothes for her in the drawers until we had time to go back to Iggy’s house to get her things when Thom wasn’t there. I don’t know what it is about this girl but I would have stayed with her if she hadn’t asked me anyway, I feel like she needs me. Or rather I need her.

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