Chapter 6

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I cannot describe the feeling I have right now. I’ve never been so nervous to see my own girlfriend before. I would rather sit on a bed with Iggy and talk about shit than deal with Eleanor right now. I was less nervous about meeting her than I am right now.

Iggy is asleep and now I’m sitting on the sofa down stairs waiting for Eleanor to turn up. If I intercept her at the door I might be able to avoid her scaring the crap out of Iggy. I need to explain everything to her; hopefully she’ll be more understanding if I explain everything to her. I’ll explain that she didn’t have anywhere to go and that her ex-boyfriend was abusive. She’ll feel bad for being such a bitch and apologise.

I was wrong; as soon as the door opened and she walked in she ignored me walked upstairs, like she knew that’s where Iggy would be. I was following closely behind her, “Eleanor what are you doing?” I demand as I followed her up the stairs. She continued to ignore me until she got to the door of the spare bedroom. She briefly looked over her shoulder, my pleading eyes met her furious ones and she turned back and pushed the door open and walked in.

“I want you to get up and get out of my boyfriend’s house, now! Louis and the boys aren’t running a charity here and your fifteen minutes are up!” She shouts. I groan as I run after her and yank her out of the bedroom. “What the hell are you doing Louis? I’m trying to help you get rid of this bitch!” She squawks at me and yanks her arm from my grip.

“Shut up El! What do you think you’re doing? I didn’t ask you to kick her out; if I didn’t want her here she wouldn’t be here!” I snapped I was furious. I didn’t think she would just barge in to Imogen’s room and start yelling crap at her and now that she did I wish that I had stayed with Iggy so I could have dragged her out before she started hurling abuse at her.

“Louis she’s a gold digger!” She whined.

“Like you?” My eyes widened when that slipped out. I had never complained about taking Eleanor shopping or taking her on holidays or out to dinner but recently she had been doing the shopping without me, but still with my credit card and she’d even booked a holiday and gone without me. I decided that I didn’t regret saying that because it was true.

“Louis William Tomlinson you take that back right now!” She shrieks at me, I know I’m in the shit now and I know for sure that I just don’t feel the same anymore so I just continue.

“You know what El, I think you should leave.” I hiss at her. I have two choices now I can walk in to Iggy’s room and slam the door in her face or I could walk to my room where she’ll most likely follow me and we’ll have awesome make up sex. I consider both options and decide that neither of them are good enough so when she doesn’t move I continue the argument. “I am done Eleanor. I don’t want you anymore.” I tell her with a serious tone.

“What?” She squeaks.

“I am done, we are done.”

“You’re dumping me for that skinny bitch?” She whimpers as she blinks back tear unsuccessfully. It hurts to see her upset but it hurts me even more to watch Imogen hurt.

“I’m not dumping you for anyone El; I just don’t feel it anymore. I feel like you’re using me,” I tell her a little softer this time. I don’t want to hurt her any more than I have already. I know she feels like I’m dumping her for someone I’ve known for less than twenty four hours, but I just don’t love her anymore.

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